

Karin and I sat down to watch The Notebook a couple of weeks ago, but we only made it halfway before we stopped because of either it being too late in the evening to continue, or something came up, or Karin had to leave, or whatever it was. I knew already then that I wasn’t really interested in watching the rest of it, partly because they basically give the entire plot away at the beginning, and partly because I didn’t particularly care about ANY of the characters, most of whom were cardboard throwaways, OR what was going to happen to any of them.

Tonight, we came home a little late, and Karin cooked dinner for us, and we decided to sit down and just finish watching the movie, and ugh. I was right. I shouldn’t have bothered. Some usually good actors completely wasted in a boring glurge of a movie. Minus points out of 5, would not recommend. I don’t know why people continually tell me it’s a good movie and they loved it and I should watch it. Blech. I don’t think I would have liked it even when it came out, back in 2004.

It’s not the WORST movie I’ve ever seen. I hated Bull Durham, turned off Lost in Translation, walked out of 52 Pick-Up, and LOATHED Brazil. 😀 There are lots of movies I’ve disliked, the latest (The) Batman among them, for various reasons. I admit to being a snob. I should have known when I read tonight that The Notebook was based on a Nicholas Sparks book that I wouldn’t like it. Glurge.

And it’s not that I completely avoid sentimental, sappy, kitschy tripe. I’m guilty of loving Casual Sex? and Ladyhawke**. My favorite TV show for years was Little House on the Prairie. Nuf’ said.

I’m not a huge movie aficionado either. I keep track of what I’ve seen since several years back, but I don’t write reviews or follow movie blogs or care that much. I just like what I like, and dislike what sucks. 😀 haha! I like reading the trivia about movies and shows I’ve seen on IMDB, and I like reading other people’s reviews. I love good and beautiful animation and good, unpredictable stories.

Favorite movies ever? (besides Ladyhawke, and in no particular order): Fanny & Alexander, My Fair Lady, Harold and Maude, Juno, Can You Ever Forgive Me?, Klaus, About Time, The Favourite, Dangerous Liaisons, Frankie and Johnny, Married to the Mob, Amélie, the Jason Bourne movies, The Breakfast Club, The Commitments, The Fall, Lincoln, The Shawshank Redemption, Sherlock Holmes…there are definitely more, but I’m tired and I could go on forever, I suspect. There are so many good movies out there that watching a bad one feels like a huge waste of time. Trust your feelings.

What’s your most hated movie? What’s your most loved movie?

Mood: nostalgic
Music: Lavender Diamond—I Don’t Recall

*Roger Ebert
**Although, can you blame me? Rutger Hauer AND Michelle Pfeiffer? *fans self*

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