

Geez louise, my last post was in MAY. How do I manage to go this long without writing when my intentions have paved the way to hell and back, they’re so good. Part of the issue is my ongoing, renewed struggle with the pinched nerve in my neck, which began again with a vengeance about a month ago. Just sitting at the computer causes it to pinch, which causes my entire right arm to go tingly and numb all the way down to my fingertrips. It pinches when I tilt my head back, even just slightly. 🙁 GAH.

Last time this happened, which was years ago, I went to a naprapat, and had an MRI, and they told me that if it worsened I might need surgery to relieve it. Then, I treated it with massage and regular naprapat appointments and muscle relaxants and it eventually released and went away. I haven’t seen a doctor again this time, though I upped my frequency of massages, but it’s not getting better and I really, really, don’t want surgery on my NECK. ON MY SPINE. AUGH.

It’s nearly the end of June, and we’ve already passed the solstice and midsummer and begun the long slow slide into darkness again. Midsummer was yesterday (the holiday, not the solstice) and Anders and I spent it at home with a lovely lunch, with Karin over. We were super late in realizing the holiday was upon us and hadn’t made any plans to spend it with friends, but honestly, I’m fine with that…it was nice to have a quiet day at home and the weather was amazing, if a little too hot for me. It was hot again this morning but now it’s clouded up a bit and cooled off, so I will probably go for a walk this afternoon.

Yesterday, we also got the news about the Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade, and I was really struggling yesterday, which my disgust and dismay about the continuing idiocy that is politics in my home country. I have been so tired and upset by news coming out the US for so very long, that I just want to turn it all off and walk away. My vote makes little difference, since I vote in an already heavily-Democrat state, and that’s the only “perk” of continuing my US citizenship that I had: voting. It’s not even about abortion for me…it’s about reproductive rights, the right of women to control their own bodies, and the fact that your rights in America will be completely different based on which state you live in. How is that fair and American?

I’ve lived half my life abroad. I’ve been a Swedish citizen for years. Why I still continue my American citizenship is starting to feel like a burden and nothing more, especially considering the unfair tax and bank reporting obligations placed on me simply because I have chosen to live outside my home country. I struggle with this question constantly and I don’t see any easy answers. It doesn’t even affect me directly…but I’m saddened and ashamed to be an American too often, and I hate that feeling. It’s not that I don’t know that there are good people in the US, too… I know that. I know that half the country is also angry and dismayed. But the ones that are pleased and excited and righteously happy about this decision are the ones that seem to be running the show these days.

One of my second cousins’ kids contacted me via email late last night. I’ve never met her; she’s the same age as my daughter and lives in California. She’s currently backpacking through Europe and wants to come visit and see a bit of Sweden, now in early July. I remember when her aunt came and stayed with us when I was a teenager and we lived in Germany. It’s too bad that Martin isn’t here, but at least Karin is around (I hope!). Martin left last week for a month in Detroit to visit his friends. It’s a bit weird to suddenly have the house to ourselves again. 😀

We’ve ordered the crate kit to ship Martin’s stuff to Sweden. It arrived a couple of weeks ago at my mom’s and we’ve been trying to figure out all the logistics, since I’m not there, and my sister is going to be doing the packing. She’s a packing wizard and if anyone can make this work, it’s her. It’s the furniture and misc stuff that Martin left at my mom’s, plus some things of my brother’s that have been at my mom’s for years, plus a chair and some small tables that are for me. The crate turned out to be 6 inches too tall to fit in my mom’s garage, so it has to be packed and stand in the driveway, which is definitely not optimal, since it’s super hot there and it will be exposed, but there’s no other option, unfortunately. We have all the documentation to complete and then hope to get it collected quickly. I’m basically spending my stimulus check money on it…it wouldn’t have been possible without it.

I have a bit of a crazy week ahead, so I’m glad I have this long weekend (last one before Christmas!) to relax a bit. Karin is leaving on Wednesday for Roskilde, where she’ll be working 4 days at the Music Festival. Anders is going with Mats to Denmark on Friday to watch the beginning of the Tour de France, which is starting in Copenhagen this year. And I’m preparing for the AIC’s Independence Day Summer BBQ/Picnic which is next Sunday. I’m picking up the bouncy castle we are renting from a former member on Tuesday, and hosing it down as we’re getting a discount for cleaning it (it hasn’t been used in several years). And I need to make a side dish and rice krispie treats to bring with me…I’m not sure what to make. Last year, only 11 people showed up at the beachside park in Malmö where we held it. The year before that it was cancelled due to the pandemic. This year we have over 70 people signed up! That’s like good old days numbers!

Side dish ideas: pasta salad with chicken, olives, and sun-dried tomatoes? couscous salad with bell peppers and ruccola? feta and melon salad with pomegranate seeds?

In other round-the-house news: Karin moved some of her furniture back home as she’s in a smaller, temporary apartment in Lund, while she waits to hear if she’s been accepted for a ski guide job in the Alps this winter. A wood pigeon has been eating the snap pea shoots. The potatoes are going gangbusters, though they won’t be ready for a little bit longer. The kohlrabi starters all died so we’ll try planting more directly in the vegetable garden. The honeysuckle have exploded in pink and orange all over the trellis. The cherry tree, despite being netted in time, barely has any cherries coming on it, which makes me sad. And so far, no roses even though it’s been sunny and warm for ages. Anders and I are watching all of The Big Bang Theory and just finished season 11 last night…12 seasons is a LOT. I also watched season 1 of The Time Traveler’s Wife, which was excellent, and now I’m rereading the very excellent book it is based on.

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