

OW. What is it with me and banging my head? Our stupid kitchen chairs, which are from IKEA, and which are quite old now, and which have had to be tightened/glued/fixed numerous times by my husband, constantly creak apart after awhile, and yesterday, when I pulled out my chair to sit down for dessert, my chair completely came apart, collapsing under me and sending me crashing to the floor. The back of the chair flew forward and smacked me in the back of the head. It hurt like the dickens, and I just sat there for several minutes, trying not to bawl, and not succeeding very well, while holding my hands to the back of my head.

Martin and Anders, who were across from me, were completely appalled and tried to help but I couldn’t even get up for a bit. At least there was no blood this time, and not obvious dents in my skull. 🙁 UGH. But after getting up, I realized that I had really hurt my tailbone. It hurt to sit, and move, and stand, and even an icepack was no help. I went to bed early because lying flat was the only position I could be comfortable in. Not much of a myskväll for me. UGH.

I hate those fucking chairs. We’re going furniture shopping ASAP and replacing them with something that isn’t put together with an allen wrench.

In other, better, news, it’s Pie Night tonight. We were originally 22 adults and 7 kids at the beginning of this week, but a few people dropped off the list up until this morning and now we’re 16 adults and 7 kids. Anders is making two taco pies and I have already made 2 fruit pizzas which are in the fridge, plus a mini one for Karin that doesn’t have chocolate chips in the cookie bottom. Yum yum, I can’t wait! Not everyone wrote what kind of pies they are bringing but I know there is a pumpkin pie coming, and that’s my favorite, so I’m happy!

The house is sparkling clean, and Anders finished up the rest of the windows, so the sun can shine in without any streaks or prints. I unwrapped the deck furniture and sat out in the sun for an hour, despite my discomfort. I’ve been taking aspiring and Tylenol all day, but it still hurts quite a bit when I’m sitting. I just picked Martin up from the bus station (he worked this morning), and Karin will be arriving around 6:30 with the rest of the guests. It’s been a nice, leisurely, get-ready kind of day with the sun shining and the birds singing. It’s hard to be in a bad mood, considering, even though my butt hurts.

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