

It has started out as a very very bad week. I got the news Monday morning that our graphic designer in the US quit. In addition, one of the freelancers that we really rely on is seriously ill and doesn’t know when she’ll be able to start working again. Work was insane to begin with and all this just pushes my team and I to the brink. URGH. I had planned to take a week of vacation in 2 weeks because I have 6 days that I have to use or lose by April 1st and now, I honestly don’t see how I can take it. Even if I’m entitled, yadda yadda yadda, I don’t see how I can do it, because then I’ll be ADDING to the lurch, and it will just stress me out even more than this week is already doing.

So that sucks. But! I got some great news today: a Finder’s Fee bonus that I had forgotten was coming. Yay! That’s Ireland airfare and hotels paid for, I hope!

Everything feels edgy and upside-down and a little crazy. I’m trying to keep perspective. Barky and I went and made her beautiful today: pretty color and cut and a bunch of expensive product to help with the upkeep. And I stopped in a little boutique on my way home and picked up several bars of Black Betty dark chocolate to take into work and share with my team. I think they could use the cheering up, too. And it will cheer me up to cheer them up.

We’ve got the damn pop-up ads happening again in Firefox, and I’m switching to Google Chrome, because ARGH.

Martin and I whizzed through Downton Abbey 4 and were left feeling a little flat. And now we’re 4 episodes in to Mad Men 6 and I’m wondering what happened to all the good stuff? BORING. I think it’s because they separated Peggy and Don. What were they thinking?!

I have nothing really to say, right now.

I just looked at Martin after writing that sentence, and he looked back at me and said, “Punkt” (which means Period.)

(and then he said, “not the bloody kind”).


Maybe I need to hire him as my writer!

Okay, that’s all. Talk amongst yourselves.

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