

A friend of mine recently told me that she started the Couch25K program and couldn’t understand what had happened in her brain to even make her want to TRY it. This morning, a Sunday morning, a Sunday morning with NO PLANS and a rather late night last night, I woke up at 7:30 a.m. I managed to doze off again, but then I reawoke just before 9 and all I could think about was getting up and getting on the treadmill. WTH? So I did. I speed-walked for 30 minutes, for a total of 2K. Before 10:30 a.m. on a Sunday morning. And I thought about calling my brother because if I was talking on the phone with him, I would probably have managed at least 45. But since I didn’t know if he’s even home, and I was already ON the treadmill, and didn’t want to stop to go get the phone, I didn’t.

The snow is all melting but the sky looks as white as ever. We were supposed to get pounded on Friday night with tons of snow and gale-force winds but it never materialized. I don’t mind the snow, but I want it gone by the end of February, so the world can really be ready for spring in March.

I am still plowing through my project list. I finished formatting my 2013 blog book and published and ordered it yesterday. And I successfully nagged my husband into going to get the replacement door for the one Mental ate. Of course, then I had bad dreams last night that he wanted a divorce, so maybe the nagging was a bit much. Karin has almost got her whole room cleaned out, but while it makes me happy on the one hand that she’s actually motivated, all of her stuff is all over the playroom. *sigh*

Today I have to do some cleaning. At least dusting and vacuuming. When the light starts returning, I start noticing all the spiderwebs and dust bunnies. Gack! My kids keep whining about how they shouldn’t have to do any chores on the weekend because the weekend is meant for relaxing, to which I say, “HA!!” And also, “Nice try”.

I’m taking week 8 off (vacation days I have to use or lose), but we don’t have plans to go anywhere…Anders has to work. It’s the winter break for the kids. I’m not sure whether to plan something or just take it easy for a week. What do you think?

And finally, I am weaning myself off Tic-Tacs. I figured I had a month and a half before my next attempt at the hospital and why not work at it? So far so good, though it’s extremely difficult on early mornings.

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