

Martin had a GREAT time at his party yesterday and came home with a new Spy Girls or some such computer game from McDonald’s. Actually, the cool people now in our kids’ world are Kim Possible and the Naked Mole Rat Rufus. Even I’m getting into them. I’ll be glad when our 3 free weeks of extra channels is over. Disney Channel is WAY too addictive.

After I picked up Erika and got back home to drop her off so that Anders and I could leave for OUR party, Karin nearly had a meltdown and did the 4-limb monkey clamp on me, bursting into extremely melodramatic tears and imploring us not to leave her. After several minutes, she finally agreed we could go as long as we were only gone for a TINY TINY TINY time. sigh. We’re in separation-issue mode big-time again.

The Martinis & Munchies party was a lot of fun, Barbara and Marda (the 2 birthday girls) really know how to put together a buffet and bar. There were cosmopolitans and margaritas swinging around the room, a disco ball! and the food was excellent*. Good company, and lots of fun friends to talk to, plus several new people. We got home after midnight, and I checked email and then went to bed, but my book somehow jumped into my hands, so didn’t get to sleep until well after 1 a.m.

Now, breakfast is out of the way, but still have to shower and dress. We’re planning on watching the repeat of the final Melodi Festival at 11:15 and after that I have to go into work for about half an hour to print out some newsletters. Anders is playing hockey-bockey at 4 and then we have to be at his sister’s at 6:30.

Despite the wind dying down during the early portion of the day yesterday, the weather has turned nasty. It started raining in the early afternoon, and picked up speed gradually until by the middle of the party, out on the tarp-covered porch, the rain was pounding down on the roof like a maniac bongo player and the wind, obviously offended because it didn’t get an invitation, was yanking on the tarps, angrily sucking them in and out. It had stopped raining by midnight, but it’s back again now. Wet. Grey. Dark.

Anders, while we were eating plates jammed full of yummy little finger food at the party, told me what caviar is sometimes called in Swedish slang. Now I’ll never eat it again. Torskmens.** I don’t even know how to translate that. Ew

Too Cute!

*Mini Beef Wellingtons! Bubbling 7-layer dip! Caviar & Sour Cream New Potatoes! Spinach Dip in a Round Bread Basket! Italian Cream Cake! Chocolate Petit Fours! *drool*
**Cod menstruation

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