

Ugh, trying to lose weight is such a pain, especially when you like food. I keep bouncing up and down on the same half kilo, even though I’m pretty happy that I’ve managed to get down 6 kilos (5.5, no 6, no 5.5, no 6, no…SIGH) since the end of the summer, without trying super hard. I read somewhere that most people think that losing weight means you are evacuating it when you go to the bathroom, but the truth is that most of it is BREATHED OUT. Isn’t that weird? How can fat turn to CARBON DIOXIDE? If you lose 10 pounds of fat, precisely 8.4 pounds comes out through your lungs and the remaining 1.6 pounds turns into water. In other words, nearly all the weight we lose is exhaled. This surprises just about everyone, but actually, almost everything we eat comes back out via the lungs. That’s what CNN says, and I have no reason to disbelieve them, since there are so many verified accounts of it online in other forums and on scientific sites. I feel like most of mine is being peed out, honestly, since I go to the bathroom all the time, thanks to the meds I’m on, but hey, I’ll take breathing it out as well. Exhaling for the win!

Speaking of weight, Halloween has come and gone. It was pouring rain all day…really pouring, and by the time 6 pm rolled around, I was figuring Anders and I would have to eat the entire GIGANTIC bowl of candy I had bought, because I thought, no one is going to want to go out with the kids to trick-or-treat in this weather, but they did! There were lots of people out, most with giant umbrellas, and tons of kids, and because I give 2 pieces of candy to every child, we were soon nearing the bottom third of the bowl. I saw at least 2 cars stop and offload kids on our street to know on doors, before they all hopped back in and drove on. 😀 Very American!

And Martin has sent me a new crossword, which is Halloween-themed, so even if it’s a couple of days late, I’m going to go do it now! Yay!

Mood: tired
Music: none, just me

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