

Getting off my butt, or rather, sitting down on it, and writing a post, since I’ve been too busy the last two weeks to even think about writing or had any motivation whatsoever. The first two weeks of work, so far, have been insane. All of us are stressed to the max, and trying to just get through everything that is being thrown at us. I actually said I needed a stiff drink yesterday after everything we’re dealing with, and I don’t even drink! I hope it lightens up a little bit soon, as work stress, plus worrying about my neck, plus the continuing awfulness of so much of the news, high grocery prices, uncertainties about electric bills, plus the abrupt transition to almost-winter weather on top of post-vacation post-family-visit letdown is a lot.

After weeks of nice weather, autumn has descended with a vengeance. It’s COLD. We’ve actually turned our furnace down a couple of degrees, too, to help save on electricity, so it’s quite chilly in the house, as well as outside. And it’s been raining all week with no end in sight, which doesn’t help.

I don’t want to be negative, but things are a lot right now.

Karin is moving home this weekend. She’ll be here until November 20, when she leaves for Italy for 5 months (or so). Her last day at work is November 9 so she has a couple of weeks to see friends, say goodbyes and prepare for her stint as a ski guide. It will be very weird having both kids home even if it’s not for that long. Martin and his best friend Claudia are currently apartment hunting as well, and they are hoping to find something by November, so if they do, we might be kid-free again completely for the end of the year. We’ll see!

I miss my mom and my sister and my brother.


On the plus side, I’ve been on a new healthy eating regimen and it feels good. I’ve been struggling to get out and walk after work though, since I’ve been so busy and it’s been so rainy. I’ve been making excellent salads for lunches and dinners and actually looking forward to them. I need to get even more motivated, but at least it’s a start.

And at least I can manage to find a lot of good things in every day to take note of. That’s a good thing, in and of itself.

Mood: stressed
Music: Glenn Yarbrough—Baby the Rain Must Fall

2 Responses

  1. Ellen says:

    Totally hear you on the overwhelming bad news and stress factors. For sure one reason I don’t write more is that if I wrote about what is on my mind, no one would want to read it. When I read your good things posts on FB, I feel like I take a full breath after all the shallow breathing of my day. People notice, even if it must not feel like it because we just hit the like button.

    • lizardek says:

      That’s a lovely thing to hear, thank you. I often feel like my good things posts are the same over and over (sunshine, sleeping in, sushi, haha), and people don’t even hit like on them that much, but they’re an important part of my day and a way for ME to take a full breath, too!

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