Monthly Archive: June 2008



I’m a bit bored. Maybe it takes longer to unwind than I suspected. I’ve done (pretty much) nothing but lounge around and read like a fiend for 2 whole days but yet this feeling of weird detachment persists. The sun has been shining, with the exception of one downpour day, nonstop for 6 weeks. Have you any idea how unprecedented that is in this part of Sweden? Everyone seems to be gobsmacked with summer delirium, gulping great swallows of the perfect air, knowing it won’t last, feeling like it’s a dream, determined to get every ounce of joy out of...



There might have been an invitation to something that was sidestepped. There might have been the idea of getting things done somewhere in the back of your mind. There is, for certain, a list, more likely plural, lying somewhere with patience or, perhaps, resignation. But there is something more, something which overwhelms and smothers all other considerations: 3 free days. No obligations No plans No one else’s needs No commitments …and no desire to do anything but revel in the peace and quiet and the unassailable joy of doing nothing but what you feel like doing, in each moment as...



It’s hard to decide which I like better: the myriad mosaic of green that is spring or the upholstered uniformity of full-on summer verdancy. Everything is padded and plump with summer now, in leaf. The fluff-headed grasses sway in the wind of the cars’ passing along each country road. Small birds tumble about each other above the rooftops, romance on the wing. We’ve had the loveliest anniversary weekend. Just think! 12 years married. Of course, in the frenzy of making sure to remember the date, I got it firmly fixed in my head that YESTERDAY was June 1st, and because...