

It’s hard to decide which I like better: the myriad mosaic of green that is spring or the upholstered uniformity of full-on summer verdancy. Everything is padded and plump with summer now, in leaf. The fluff-headed grasses sway in the wind of the cars’ passing along each country road. Small birds tumble about each other above the rooftops, romance on the wing.

We’ve had the loveliest anniversary weekend. Just think! 12 years married. Of course, in the frenzy of making sure to remember the date, I got it firmly fixed in my head that YESTERDAY was June 1st, and because I’d mentioned it at some point, and because my husband didn’t want to disillusion my numbers-scrambled brain, he very kindly had flowers ready for me yesterday when I said, “Happy Anniversary, honey!” and only gently broke the fact to me later that I was a day early…which I suppose is still better than being late or completely forgetting, after all.

The weather was fantastic this weekend, warm but not too hot, sunny, with a cool breeze and beautiful blue skies. Anders had some stuff to do during the morning yesterday, and then we packed up the kids and went to Bakken, the lovely amusement park in the woods over in Klampenborg, Denmark. The place was PACKED, which made for excellent people-watching as we waited for the kids who ran into each line for the rides and then zipped from the exit back to the entrance before we could begin to rise.

We ate delicious wild pig (boar) for dinner and then bought 2 huge cotton candy sticks (which proved to be too much for Martin later that evening, unfortunately) and walked around enjoying the great mood that the lovely summer weather had brought out in everyone around us. And then we took the train back across the Ă–resund in the cobalt light of evening with the sun slowly settling, still shining at nearly 10 p.m.

Today felt like the first day of summer vacation, though the kids still have a week and a half of school and our actual vacations don’t start for nearly 2 months. The pool was full of water, and then over-filled with screaming, laughing (and soon, shivering) kids. The deck was strewn with towels and water shoes and plastic toys. The trampoline was in use most of the afternoon, some bouncing, but mostly just a perfect place for hanging out in the sunshine.

Martin and I walked with the wagon up to the plant nursery and bought several shocking pink geraniums and some veggies and seeds for his little plot. Karin and I had gone Friday after work to pick up her preferences and plant them: 3 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, pumpkin and chive seeds. Martin choose a red pepper plant, a cucumber, basil, and some seeds: thyme, parsley & carrots. I walked around with the sprayer on the end of the hose and made everything in the yard very happy with a thorough dousing. I’ve been neglectful, and since it hasn’t rained but once in the past month, everything was very dry.

In between cleaning up the house and doing laundry, I mostly sat and read my book. I’m on book 3 of Dunnett’s House of Niccolo series and find I am having trouble putting it down. I found myself wishing I’d brought my book with me to the amusement park yesterday, while sitting and waiting for the kids who had just flung themselves at yet another rollercoaster. All that time I could have been reading!

So, despite a hissy fit on Karin’s part yesterday morning and Martin’s late night barf-a-thon which my wonderful husband of 12 years dealt with, this has been a pretty darn perfect weekend. And since this week is going to be insane at work and busy every evening, I am extra glad to have had this sunshiney downtime to relax in. Thanks, May, for being a practically perfect month!

Great Big, Bright & Beautiful Belated Birthday Wishes to jes6ica!

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