

Been thinking about, and talking about music, and singing in my head and out loud. Music infuses and enthuses me. If I had a soundtrack to each day my step would be lighter, but the nice thing is, I’m usually singing my own soundtrack, so if my step were any lighter I’d be bounding up in the air like an astronaut on the moon. Boing!

I find it hard to work without music playing somewhere in the room, in the house, or in my head. One reason I dread sharing my office with someone is the worry that they won’t want to listen to my music, or ANY music, god forbid, or that their taste in music will be so bonejarringly awful that my muses (and I share headspace with several, usually) will stalk out in a huff and abandon me.

When I find a new musician or band that I like, I tend to fall headlong in love and then engage in extended stalker-type behavior: playing the album over and over and over, learning all the songs, the nuances, the harmony. Reading the liner notes, down to the thank yous, googling and perusing the official website of the artist, mailing copies of my best-beloved to discerning friends (hi BP!)

After we met, Anders used to bring me home a CD of a Swedish artist he thought I’d like every time he went to Sweden for work, which was a couple of times a year. I quickly fell in love with Rebecka Törnqvist, Eva Dahlgren, Cajsa Stina Åkerström and Marie Fredriksson, and still meet them for musical trysts on a regular basis. 🙂 When we wed, our first dance was twirled and embraced to the bluesy belting strains of Wander Where You Wander by Rebecka Törnqvist, who sings in English. I sang along to Anders while we danced, and our friends surrounded us in a smiling circle and blew bubbles at us through tiny circled wands. It was magic.

Way back, all those men in my past,
used to bore me so fast
your kind was not to be found

Way back, you were there in my dreams,
in a blink it just seems
like fate has blessed you with me

And I will wander where you wander, I will be right where you are
and you will never turn your back on me, never go too far away
and let me wrap myself around you,
hold you in my arms forever more

Way back, well I kept my hopes high
didn’t understand why
what took you oh so long?

And I will read you all my poems,
I will sing you all my love songs
I’ll tell you what it’s all about

And I will wander where you wander…

Way back, I was wandering alone,
I was longing for someone
like you, to bring me back home

And I will read you all my poems,
I will sing you all my love songs
I’ll tell you what it’s all about
And I will show you how to get to heaven
and how we can stay there
you’ll never have to do without

And I will wander where you wander, I will be right where you are
and you will never turn your back on me, never go too far away
and let me wrap myself around you,
hold you in my arms forever more

There’s so much more to say about music, but I’m already doing 4 things at once, so I am winding this up, moving up the scale to a tuneful end. Perhaps I’ll get my web pages finished and then do some wedding singer practice. Perhaps I’ll go sit with Anders and watch the end of the Sweden-Slovakia hockey game. Perhaps I’ll turn the lights off and the music up, and relax into the chair and let the vertebrae in my neck click their little stretching melody.

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