

I think I’ve figured out what’s going on. It’s a full moon!

But wait! Wasn’t it a full moon yesterday? Come to think of it, it was a full moon THREE DAYS AGO.

Are we STUCK?!

Well, actually, Martin and I sussed out the moon 3 days ago, and after checking it over very carefully, heads tilted to first one side and then the other, we agreed that it wasn’t quuuuuuuuuuuuuite full yet. It was still a shade squashy on one side. But it was for sure a full moon the night after. The night after that was cloudy, and so was the night after that, but last night? Totally clear! And full! Man in the moon and all. A huge silver dollar (or five-krona) in a pitch-black sky. This morning when I woke up, it was still dark, but not really. Because? the FULL MOON WAS SHINING.

We drove away from the house and followed the moon to school. It was huge and white and glowy, hanging just above the treeline, ducking down and hiding behind houses when we turned, popping up again over the soccer field. Silly moon! The sky was lavendering up at that point, all bright and morning-glory. I drove away from Flyinge and suddenly everything went PINK! Ahead of me were cumulous puffclouds, gathered admiringly around the moon, with his man, and behind me the sun outlined yet more clouds in molten fire. Heavenly applause! Choirs of angels! La bella luna!

A full day of work and the sun, tuckered out, set about lowering the blinds, saving energy by simply reversing the color scheme of this morning. Bright blue sky shading down, down to lavender, pink, glowy gold. And there he was again! THE FULL MOON! So, that makes about 4 days by my count. We’re definitely stuck. He’s still out there, high up, keeping an eye on us. When I look out the window he winks at me, the cheeky thing.

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