

I opened the back door and beheld my husband, mop in hand, bucket at the ready, rugs and paraphernalia up off the floor, preparing to scrub. “Mmmm…” I said, “there’s nothing sexier than a man with a mop!” Deadpan, Anders answered, “Are you referring to my hair?”

Friday was a halfday, due to Alla Helgonsafton and I had left the office just after one o’clock to speed home and help finish grocery shopping and getting the house ready for our dinner party, to find that during the morning, he had dusted and vacuumed and was now finishing up with the mopping. O! how I love that man o’ mine! 😀

It still seems odd to me, to be throwing dinner parties, as if I were an adult or something. I can vividly remember some of my parents’ dinner parties, and the preparations that went into them, but I don’t really remember the guests or what went on, since we were usually sent to bed before the party was in full swing. At our dinner parties, the kids pretty much stay up and play until they drop or everyone is gone, whichever comes first.

Our guest list of 17 adults and 11 children was pared down by partytime to 13/7. We had asked everyone to please bring an appetizer or dessert, and we provided 3 big pots of chili (spicy, non-spicy and vegetarian) accompanied by heaping bowls of grated cheese, crème fraîche (mmm…crème fraîche!), Fritos, and Russell’s home-made cornbread for fixin’s. I made a hot artichoke dip and Kathey made her 7-layer bean dip. Angie brought creamy crab nachos. Barbara brought gingerbread cake. Laurie brought peanut butter and chocolate cookies. The guests started arriving at 6 p.m. and we had a hilarious, fun-filled evening laughing and chatting and singing and enjoying the company and the great food. A bottle of Russian chili vodka made an appearance at some point and Anders rolled out some of his repetoire of vulgar limericks at Kathey’s behest. Our dinner parties provide something for everyone! 😀 The kids even got to jump on the trampoline late at night with a big spotlight rigged up on the deck.

4 of my best girlfriends: Debbie, Camilla, me, Kathey, Angie (with baby Kaisa)

After the party I cleared and washed up while Kathey, Russell and Anders kibitzed kept me company in the kitchen. Anders and I were, um, up even later, and didn’t get to sleep until 2:30 a.m., so today was a very slow, quiet day. Kathey and I both took afternoon naps. I read a beautifully illustrated book of Russian fairytales that Kathey bought for me during their Trans-Siberian trip, and designed my brother’s wedding invitation insert which he and Simone were, happily, very pleased with. We’ve had trick-or-treaters at the door at intervals all day long…I’m resigned to it now. To round the weekend off, tomorrow Kathey and I are going for massages.

I am very happy right now.

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