

Today I left work 2 hours early because I could no longer resist the siren song of the sun. The kids, who bitched at me yesterday to please pick them up earlier today, grumped at me when I appeared in the daycare doorway that I was too early, whereupon I rolled my eyes and bundled up their muck-schlurped playclothes and took them home.

I did the happy dance at the mailbox (2 packages!) and then I sat down in my sunny living room with the deck doors open wide to the fresh, clean spring air and the woven-rush-bead curtain moving quietly in the breeze and thought about the wonderful power of the internet as I ate a Reese’s Fast Break bar sent to me by the fabulous hi_from_sheryl, while checking out my new copy of Rantus Dark & the Unspoken Children* by the talentedverian, while wearing a brooch made exclusively for me by the creative galestorm and listening to a rocking CD mix made and sent to me by the wonderful therealshedork. Then I went online and saw that a total stranger had graciously responded to my request to share the coding she did on a community layout that I admired. Hey, Internet? You rock!

Then I shut the deck doors because geez louise it may be spring but it’s still damn cold here in Sweden. *shiver*

The return of the sun and the advent of the growing season is sparking an answering rush and bubble in my veins. My blood is whooshing, my scalp is tingling, my ears are buzzing. There aren’t many buds yet, although the stonecrop is thinking about it, and the snowdrops are bowing drowsily in the borders. I have high hopes that my little lilac and birthday cherry tree have survived the wet winter and will put forth leaves soon. I want to start power-walking again, as well, but am unfortunately a bit hindered by the residual limp I’m still sporting. It doesn’t hurt to walk anymore, unless I overdo it, which I frequently do, being a chronic over-doer. But it hurts to walk FAST, which is what I do best, and it still twinges on uneven ground and stairs, enough to make me VERY wary of spraining the stupid thing again. I’ve had several people confirm, including the doctor, that it can take up to a YEAR for a sprain to heal 100% and that the chances of re-spraining are very high unless you are very careful. Which I intend to be, so my mantra is easy does it for the duration.

Shout-Out to Writers! The deadline for the next issue of Mosaic Minds is coming up on March 31st. The theme is Relativity, but only feature articles need to follow the theme. Please consider submitting your work!

*available here

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