

There are moose on top of my computer. They make me happy.

I think it’s strange that moose don’t go “moo” when it seems like such a logical thing for them to say.

I was all excited about having 4 days in a row with no plans, but I forgot about my sister-in-law turning 40 so now it’s 3 days in a row and a birthday party.

Number of Swedes Who Have Walked Into My Office So Far Today And Spoken English With Me Despite Being Perfectly Well Aware That I Speak Fluent Swedish: 7

That should probably annoy me, but mostly it’s just amusing.

Is there anything more boring than flow charts?

On top of my giant pile of books to read, I also received our next book group book from the library which was ordered over a week ago, April Witch by Majgull Axelsson, and they start counting the days on loan from the day it leaves the main library, which was the 16th, so now I have only until the 16th of February to read it as well, and even though I could perfectly well read it by the end of this weekend if not faster, I want to read my OTHER bought-for-pleasure books first. *grumble*

Was that a long enough run-on sentence for you?

Also, what the hell kind of name is Majgull?

Whenever my daughter leaves the house to go play with one of her friends in the neighborhood, she asks us what time she has to be home, and after we tell her, say “five o’clock,” she mutters it to herself over and over all the way out the door and up the street, “klockan fem klockan fem klockan fem…,” so as not to forget (which doesn’t always work). Yesterday, while driving home, Anders called me in the car and asked me to stop and buy milk. Then he added hotdogs and buns to the list, and I added Pepsi Max, and then I repeated it all a couple of times. Whereupon he laughed, and then so did I, and said, “Well, now we know where she gets it from.”

Completely & Totally Cracking Me Up: The Definition of Things

*Yes, I know, it’s not a word. But it OUGHT TO BE one, don’tcha think? And after I googled it, I discovered there are lots of other people out there using it regardless of the fact that it’s not a real word. So there.

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