Daily Archive: November 7, 2003



I’ll be testing the limits of my internet addiction this weekend. Anders is hosting a men’s dinner party (Mårtens Gås) tomorrow night and they are going to be playing Superbike 2001 in the living room with two sets steeringwheel/joystick/whatever the hell they use setups. Which means the computer is being ripped from its comfortable nest of cables and I won’t be able to get online the rest of the weekend until he puts it back together, most likely on Sunday after getting tired of my incessant harping reminders. carrieb is in fine form tonight. “Inject me with your sperm!” LOLOL!!...



We weren’t prepared for Karin. I joke sometimes that if we’d had her first, she would have been an only child. Anders always gets upset when I say that, though. We had it so easy with Martin when he was a baby, that we thought we had the baby thing aced. Karin pulled the rug out from under our parenting feet. She hit the ground running and her motto is still full speed ahead. I wrote this about her when she was 2 years old: Karin makes me so upset because she screams bloody murder when she doesn’t get her...