Tagged: goodthings



Crazy week from hell is finally over and I can enjoy the sudden summer that has been visited upon us. Monday was our 19th wedding anniversary…next year is 20! TWENTY YEARS. That’s crazy. We didn’t do much, and didn’t even exchange gifts, but Anders cooked a delicious dinner 🙂 Tuesday and Wednesday were high school graduation parties for the sons of friends. We all went to the first one on Tuesday but it was just me on Wednesday at my friend Debbie’s, whose son Jacob is only one year older than Martin. Next year it’s our turn: EEK. Nearly everyone...



I was smart; I stopped by Sularpsfarmen yesterday on the way home from work to buy pansies because I knew the weather forecast for the weekend was for nice weather and I knew Flyinge Nursery and Sularpsfarmen would be PACKED today and tomorrow. We’ve had several days of unbelievably gorgeous weather: 72 and sunny. California weather! One of the brothers helped me by carrying two bags of dirt to my car and I filled and purchased 2 flats full of pansies to boot. 24 pansies to a flat. I figured that ought to be plenty for my pots, right? Wrong....



I opened my can of Hearts of Palm. It’s been calling me for a couple of days. I bought it in the States when I was there for work, so it’s not very old, but still: now it’s open and half-gone and by the end of the week, there will be no more Hearts of Palm. They don’t have canned Hearts of Palm in Swedish grocery stores. I could probably find it if I went to some of the import food stores at Möllevångstorget in Malmö but how often do I get there? Other things I would like to eat...



I am apparently old now. I can’t seem to sleep in, or go back to sleep when I wake up early. Unlike my teenage children and my former self, who could sleep half the day away, I am no longer able to doze of a morning. I can still stay slugabed for hours with a book but the sleeping part seems to be a thing of the past. My intentioned plans for this weekend were pretty nil, though I did have some spring-cleaning on the menu. It’s the melodifestivalen final tonight so we invited Anders’ mom over to watch it...



Why do I get the feeling March is going to be one of those barely-manage-to-post-once-a-week months? I could write more, but I’d have to spend more energy wresting the computer away from the clutches of my World-of-Warcraft-obsessed offspring and frankly, I just can’t be orked. Plus I am busy alternating between reading a really good, fascinating book and working my way up through endless levels of Tap Titans, so as you can tell, my life is SUPER EXTRA IMPORTANTLY BUSY right now. Someone who lives nearby and whom I have ended up behind on the highway more than once, has...



Another week gone and what do I have to show for it? The house is half-clean, my book is half-read, my work is half-done and my kids are half-grown. I woke in the middle of the night on Wednesday around 3 a.m., sweating hot and feeling very weird. I went and sat in the bathroom for a bit, convinced I was either going to throw up or was having my first and most horrendous hot flash. Felt feverish and generally discombobulated, but finally went back to bed, after nothing happened. Still felt like crap in the morning and even though...



The weekend is half over and I am going to need another day, at least, to recuperate from it and the previous week. The kickoff performance went great, despite a last-minute panic when one of our team members didn’t show up. He was there during the day, for all the presentations, but after we wrapped that up and left to go to the place where we were having the evening activities, something happened and he had to leave, and never made it back. So we were left without our Uncle Sam. 🙁 Luckily, someone had the bright idea to ask...



ust went back and checked and it seems I started writing my year-end retrospective in 2007. Seven years of looking back at my year and seeing what I’ve done and read and listened to. It’s nice to have a record for posterity, don’t you think? And since today is the last day of 2014, this week I can start formatting 2014 into a book for print. One more green-spined book to add to my collection of printed obiter dictums! Family & Personal Highlights of 2014 Being promoted to Senior Corporate Graphic Designer at work Martin breaking his arm Karin being...



One of the things I really miss about the time we spent in Belgium when I was a teenager was the food. Not everything, of course, but it was our first experience with European cuisine and I’m sure any Belgian and Dutch friends of mine will be horrified to hear how much I miss frikandels. It’s a taste I can still conjure up in my head. Mmmmmmmm! I still eat mayo with my french fries pommes frites whenever I can. Ketchup is for you vulgar Americans who don’t know any better. I missed Napoleon lemon balls too, for years, until...



I never listen to the radio nowadays. I never listen to the more than 500 CDs we own, either. And since last year, the only tape player we own is a small boombox that is up on the top of a shelf… so I never listen to any of the mixed tapes that I made or received long ago, and haven’t for years. But I listen to music all the time. All day long at work and whenever I’m in the car. I’ve built a Spotify list with over 2000 songs on it and that’s what I listen to. It’s...