

I’ve just not been in the mood to write any posts, even though I seem to be thinking about it all the time. Blogger’s guilt. I think it’s only my brother who ever reads this anyway, and he’s busy too, so I’m not disappointing anyone but myself, haha.

Martin and I went and saw Dune 2 last weekend, after rewatching Dune 1 a few days before. He’s now re-listening to the audio books and did a Dune-themed crossword. My colleague Emelie saw it the week before we did and raved about it (Dune 2, that is) and said she thought it was one of the best movies she’d ever seen. I was skeptical. It WAS good, but definitely not one of the best ever, and I have issues with yet another cliffhanger ending. I know it’s part of a series and the story DOES continue, but I felt they could have still wrapped up this section a little more satisfactorily. I saw online that part 3 has been greenlit but it’s hard to get excited when you know you have to wait at least 2 years to see it. And my favorite book is the fourth one, which I honestly cannot imagine how they are going to bring to film.

I also thought Christopher Walken was too distracting as the Emperor and at one point when he says “More! I want more!” about something, all I could think about was his SNL cowbell sketch: “more cowbell!” which made me laugh but also made it hard to take him seriously in the role.

It’s definitely pre-spring around here. More sunshine, and the start of itchy eyes. URGH. I’ve gone for 2 walks in 2 days and it’s lovely to get out and move. Nothing but grass is really started yet and there’s only the very faintest hint of green on the trees. It’s supposed to be below freezing again this week, twice. Double URGH. I had been thinking of getting pansies to fill the pots, but am now waiting until next weekend to see. I did some preliminary cleanup in the garden beds, removing last year’s leaf detritus (and uncovering a whole mess of ladybugs in the process!) and emptying the pots of old dead summer plants. I’m really longing for real spring and some more warm temps and more sunshine.

My life feels very wash, rinse, repeat. When I write my good things list each evening, it’s a lot of repeating things from before. The same things make me happy over and over, which is both comforting and boring. Maybe it’s just a reflection of my age. It’s not like there’s a lot of new things happening where I’m at right now. There are new things happening for my kids but I feel like Anders and I both are sort of in a groove, just mooching along with ourselves. It’s a groove, not a rut! Ha.

Maybe it’s time to find a choir and start singing again. Maybe it’s time to take a class and learn something new. Maybe it’s time to do some spring cleaning.

Mood: conflicted
Music: Asiatica—Oh Darlin’

6 Responses

  1. John Slaughter says:

    read it…

  2. Russell says:


  3. Chuck says:

    I read every one. Also yes to learning something new and yes to comfort and routine, and yes to letting the kids do their thing while we sit on the porch, it’s fine, have fun. Loving this time of life


  4. lizardek says:

    Yay! I was actually wondering if you were reading still. Don’t know why, I should have trusted that you were. 😀

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