

My sister has a bad luck bug on her somewhere, and I sure wish we knew how to get it off. All her life, if there was an accident waiting to happen, it was waiting to happen to her. Even when we were kids, she was always the one getting hurt somehow. Maybe because she was much more daring physically than I was, I don’t know. Two years ago she hurt herself badly in an electric scooter accident, ending up with a concussion and horrible bruises on her face. We weren’t sure she’d be able to fly to Europe for the vacation she and my mom had planned just a month or so later, but thankfully, she was cleared for flying just a week before they were due to leave.

A few days ago she had another bad fall, this time with no electric scooter in sight. She misstepped and fell and couldn’t catch herself and landed facefirst on the metal bar of a grocery cart enclosure. One of her front teeth came completely out. She bashed up her knee and has horrible bruises on her face again, but the worst part is the tooth. Her daughter was with her but it happened so fast that she had no chance to catch her mom when she went down.

They called the emergency dentist and told them they had the tooth and were told to come immediately. The dentist told Sarah to put the tooth under her tongue and keep it there. The window for reinserting a tooth and having fewer issues is about 60 minutes and they were just over that when they arrived at the dentist and she had the tooth reinserted. They’ve put some kind of brace across the teeth to keep it in place and now the hope is that her body won’t reject it. She will most likely have a root canal in 2 weeks, but if her body rejects the tooth, then she’ll have to get an implant and that can take 6-8 MONTHS. With one of her front teeth missing!! She’s on a completely liquid diet right now for 2 weeks and then only soft foods for probably a month after that. What an awful thing to have happen.

She has an immobilizer restraint on her knee and will be going for an MRI in a month (they have to wait 30 days because she recently had a colonoscopy and apparently something about that makes an MRI risky. So they won’t know for awhile what the damage to her knee entails though they are pretty sure she wrecked it to a decent extent. And she lives in a 3-story house. 🙁 URGH. All this is on top of a whole pile of recent medical and other issues she’s been going through. I feel so bad for her.

I really really hope she’ll catch a break and the tooth will “take” and she won’t have to go through additional hell dealing with it. Are you listening, Universe?! Time to retire my seester’s bad luck bug!!

Mood: worried
Music: The The—Slow Emotion Replay

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