

The saga continues. If you have never heard the story of the frog lamp, stop what you are doing and read this first: The story of the frog lamp

HIlarious, no? Definitely yes!

Cut to pre-holidays 2023. The frog lamp, technically Sammy’s, has not been seen in some years. John and Simone moved to a new house 7 years ago to accommodate their growing family and at some point the frog lamp was relegated to the attic. I do not understand how anyone could bear to hide away the awesomeness that is the frog lamp, but apparently not everyone has the excellent taste that I hold dear. I happened to be talking to my brother John at some point in very early December, while we were hashing over plans and logistics for our upcoming holiday trip down to Germany to stay with them and he mentioned that he didn’t have any ideas for a gift for Martin. And I laughingly said, “Well, you could always give him the frog lamp.”

Literally, two seconds later, Simone was up in the attic, finding him and bringing him down! 😀 HAHAHAA!

Kaya, however, wasn’t so sure, but because she is only 3 and has no idea of the MARVELOUS history of the frog lamp, her opinion apparently didn’t matter.

Kaya and the frog lamp
Kaya thinks he’s cute! I like her best.

Simone made a beautiful lampshade for it, and they wrapped him up, complete with his baby frog perched in front of him. Strangely, Sammy, now 12, was apparently ALSO fine with handing over the frog lamp to his cousin. It boggles the mind.

Come Christmas Day in Hopferau, and Martin had the biggest present under the tree (since the boxing bag that John got for his boys wasn’t assembled). He had NO IDEA how his life was about to change!

what could it be?
What could it be?

Kaya helps with unwrapping
Kaya helps with unwrapping


In all his froggy glory
In all his froggy glory

Handover accomplished
Handover accomplished

A boy and his frog lamp
A boy and his frog lamp

Notice in the third photo that Martin had the EXACT SAME speechless reaction as John did in 1992! Hahahaha! I laughed so hard I cried! The perfect gift! (and my present to Simone, obvs., for making her super happy, too!) Her lampshade is a work of art, and beautifully sets off the frog and his baby.

So now the frog lamp is happily ensconced in Martin’s apartment where he will be appreciated as is his proper right and due. And all is well in the world.

Mood: hilarious
Music: Peter, Paul & Mary—I’m in Love With a Big Blue Frog

2 Responses

  1. John Slaughter says:

    Correction: technically Simone made the Lampshade.
    it was the old metal frame from the one she had bought after the flies from the first one fell off…
    Metal frame, Papermache glue, Green striped Black paper that I had laying around for exactly this reason. (yes, making lamps…I have made several) and some free time from the kids to make an awesome lampshade. speechless.

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