

I saw some teacher’s Twitter post about how he is asking his students for 1 boring fact about themselves, because asking for an interesting fact is putting too much pressure on them. And I was like, what? What is wrong with some pressure? How hard is it to come up with something semi-interesting about yourself? But maybe it’s too much for people to have to be witty or interesting on demand. Maybe it’s easier to find something simple that you know about yourself, and share it, than trying to come up with something that makes you special. One of his students answered that he puts both socks on before he puts his shoes on, and I thought, well duh, don’t we all? Are there really people who put on one sock and then the shoe, and then the other sock, and then the other shoe? Maybe coming up with “boring” facts about yourself is a way of finding common denominators that help you realize you’re not alone, after the reactions you get are all “well, wait, so do I!” I put on both my socks first, too!

We’ve been having a storm come through the last few days and it’s been solid non-stop sheets of sideways rain, wind, grey cloud cover, thunder and lightning. Today it was cloudy in the morning but it cleared up and has been sunny all day. The sky is blue with lots of dramatic, fast-moving clouds, and despite the sunshine, it has been pouring one and off, great heaving downpours of water that are sparkling in the sun, because it’s still sunny. Karin and I managed to go for a 2.5k walk (she ran part of it) around the village before it started raining again.

It’s supposed to rain tomorrow, too. The forecast calls for 90% chance, at least in Malmö, where the kids are supposed to be taking me out to dinner tomorrow evening, after work. We are planning to go to the Beachgarden, which is owned by friends of Karin’s but if it is pouring rain, they won’t be open. Which is a bummer, because they just started serving food, and also, they have excellent gelato, and I was looking forward to it.

I had a very nice time in London this past weekend, though it was a lot of traveling for not nearly enough time spent with Becky. I got to meet a bunch of her husband’s family, even though he wasn’t able to be there. I met his mom, and her sister, and his brother and his brother’s fiancée, all very, very nice people. They paid for practically everything the entire weekend, apart from my travel costs, which was super generous. We spent a great deal of the day on Saturday at the British Museum, which was absolutely PACKED with people. It was a bit much, even though the museum itself is fun to go to, and there is so much to see, but I was actually uncomfortable after a short time spent in the crowds. I would rather have just hung out at the hotel talking to Becky and catching up the entire time. 🙂 Again, with the anti-socialness!

Dreadful Duo

This week is a short one, for me, because I’m taking off Thursday and Friday, for my birthday. People keep reminding me that next year is a big birthday and I’m starting to feel like it’s personal. I KNOW. I’M OLD. SHUT UP about it. Hahahaha! Martin and I are going to Odense on Thursday, to visit Hans Christian Andersen’s home, and possible other sightseeing. And on Friday, Debbie and Ola and Camilla are coming to dinner (assuming that Camilla is up to it, as she’s been having problems with her heart again, which sucks), and then Saturday, Anders and I are going to dinner at Barbara and Paul’s new house, so it’s a busy weekend coming up. Maybe Martin will come home after dinner tomorrow and spend the night, that would be nice!

I don’t have anything exciting to say, or anything super boring either, so I guess I fall somewhere in between, like the vast majority of us.

Mood: content
Music: Emelie Mitiku—So Wonderful

2 Responses

  1. Russell says:

    Regarding socks and shoes: 😆


    And in the paragraph where you talked about Debbie and Camilla, you had a great typo where you called Debbie’s husband old. 😆

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