

Nearly the entire month of June has gotten away from me, and it’s already the 18th and I am the lamest blogger ever. No wonder everyone has stopped blogging. Real life is so intrusive. There’s always so much to be done! When did we ever find the time before?

It’s 3.5 days until vacation, and I can’t wait. Even though we’ll be gone for most of it, I’m still looking forward to not working. Even if not working is also stressful, because I know how much my team will be stressed out, and I know how insanely busy I will be when I return. I even worked today, trying to catch up (and mostly did) so that I WON’T be so stressed out before vacation, but because I don’t know what else will come in this wee to be handled, it’s just basically trying to keep the never-ending water from pouring over the dam. Oh well, such is life.

I made a to-do list this morning and the last thing on it is “go for a walk”. I meant to go at 5 but when I called Karin to see if she was on her way home and would walk with me, she asked me to wait until she arrived, which wouldn’t be until close to 7. I shouldn’t have agreed, but it’s always nice to walk WITH someone, so I did, and then she had to go to the grocery store, and then it started raining, and now she is eating a late dinner, so if we go it will be after 9 pm. It’s not raining anymore and it’s a beautiful, bright light summer evening, but I have to get to bed by 10 or I’ll be useless tomorrow, so I don’t know whether to go or wait. Stupid dilemma.

I did 2 loads of laundry, watered all the plants, potted an indoor plant, swapped all the outdoor plants that had pansies (dead/dying) for the new pelargoniums I bought yesterday, ironed 3 shirts, did a bunch of AIC web stuff with Russell, called Carys and updated her on the AIC stuff that was new for the editor, worked a couple of hours, and talked to my mom. So it’s been a very busy day! Not bad for a Sunday that started out with me sleeping in until 9. 🙂

Started what looks to be a very fun, engaging books about puzzles. Since I love puzzles (even though I’m not as good as them as I’d like to be) I’m already enjoying it, and it’s got a very interesting and funny tone that makes you want to keep on reading. I sent in my 5 book recommendations for the book group voting (we’re voting in July), and I hope they all get picked, haha. I will be reading them regardless, as usual. Although I still have books from previous years that I recommended and still haven’t gotten around to, so who knows.

Anyway, that’s all for now. Not much of a post or a catch-up, but it’s all I’ve got at the moment.

Mood: accomplished
Music: Dala—Life on Earth

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