

One of the few things the WordPress export DIDN’T do was pick up the userpics that I used with each post I wrote on Livejournal. They were (and are) a sort of visual indication of mood, and I had over 100 to choose from, and even though I ALSO made note of my mood, I liked seeing them, there beside the words I wrote. When I was looking for a WordPress theme to use with this new blog, I deliberately chose one that allowed me have a small image next to each post, figuring I could put my userpics there.

I imported all my userpics to my WP library and sure enough it works great…the only drawback is that I have to add them manually. I have nearly 3000 posts in my archives, so that’s a LOT of manual fixing. I’m also sort of wondering (after doing about 6 years worth) whether it’s worth the time. My OCD says YES. My rational brain says shut up OCD no one is going to notice or care if you don’t have little images next to your posts that are older than the ones they are seeing on the front page of your blog. It also takes forever because I keep stopping to read old blog posts, some of which are really good, and some of which are just recounting of what I’ve done that day…much like this one, so far.

It’s a quiet Saturday. I’ve dusted, vacuumed, emptied garbage cans, made Martin’s bed, manually uploaded about 20 userpics, and done two loads of laundry. I’ve read several chapters of the book I am reading which I am finding hard to put down, even though its elements of horror are sometimes making it difficult for me to keep going. I’ve showered, made OUR bed, played iPad games, and eaten lunch.

Making Martin’s bed was because he is coming home tomorrow after a month away vacationing in Detroit seeing friends and even though I had stripped his bed and washed the bed linens right after I left, I had to rewash them when Karin slept there while Cassy was staying with us, and then I never got around to making it back up until today.

Karin is also away, in Greece for a week. She comes home on Monday, so hopefully will come home Tuesday for dinner and to see her brother (and us, of course). She doesn’t have a car, though, as hers is here and Anders has not had a chance to get it in to a mechanic. Our usual guy is on vacation, like the rest of Sweden (except for him, and me). Anders took a load of stuff to the dump, and then is going to a friend’s place to pick up a bicycle tire for Karin’s bike.

I’m heading back to my book now. I hope you are having a relaxing Saturday!

Mood: contented
Music: HYBS—Go Higher

2 Responses

  1. Ellen says:

    Do you have to compare the old LJ entry to the imported WP entry or do you remember which pic you used?

    • lizardek says:

      I have to have LJ open in a separate tab so I can look. I can pretty much guess but I’m not always right, so it’s easier to see which one and then just choose it again in WP.

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