

On Saturday, I’m flying to a place I’ve always wanted to visit but actually kinda never thought I’d make it to. I’m past 50 so you know the list of places I’d like to see is getting more and more improbable. I’m not sure why I’ve always thought it would be cool to visit Seattle. It’s a big city and it has what seems to be a cool vibe, and it’s on the west coast in the Pacific Northwest, which I’m partial too after visiting my best friend in Oregon a couple of times, but other than that, I just think it seems like a fun place to see. And I’ve always loved Chihuly’s art glass and that’s where his museum/garden/exhibition is, so there’s that.

I’m trying to plan a couple of things to do on the one day I have free before the conference starts since the conference is all day all week from 8:15 to at least 4:30 and sometimes later. Apart from Chihuly, which happens to be closed after 2 pm for a private event on Sunday, which is the only free day I have, I’m also considering going to the Museum of Pop Culture. Not sure my mom, who will be with me, is interested in that, but it seems a shame to miss it especially since it’s right next to Chihuly and doesn’t have a ridiculously expensive entry fee. My best friend Becky is coming up from Oregon as well, but I don’t yet know for sure which days she’ll be there. Wheee! Getting excited!

We “celebrated” our 23-year wedding anniversary this past weekend. Anders celebrated by getting up super early and participating in a mountain bike race. I celebrated by sleeping in, doing laundry, and then giving him a bottle of whiskey. Then we ACTUALLY celebrated by going out to dinner at Pinchos with the kids and then Martin went with us to see Rocketman (Karin has other plans). We all liked it, though it had its inevitable comparisons to Bohemian Rhapsody.

It’s hot this week, a little humid, and we’ve had thunderstorms, but mostly in the middle of the night when I can’t enjoy them, sadly (alas). It’s another short work week and it’s been busy busy all day. Tomorrow is a half day and then we are going to Karin’s girlfriend’s graduation party. Thursday is Sweden’s National Day and Debbie and Camilla are coming over for dinner. Debbie requested Swedish meatballs in honor of Sweden, but Anders has already vetoed her. 😀 Martin had a long list of meals he wants to have while he’s home and we’ve only managed about a third of them so crayfish soup (also quintessentially Swedish) is tentatively on the menu. Anders might want to grill though, so we’ll see.

Right now, as I’m writing this, the weather couldn’t be better. It’s a perfect Swedish summer evening. The dogs next door are laying in their backyard and Frasse, the big ginger tabby is curled up near them. I tried calling him to come over for a kitty fix but he’s either deaf or ignoring me. I was out watering the pots and garden and wish the entire summer would be like this. Perfect evening.

Things I can hear: fans rumbling and rotating, an airplane high up, a cuckoo and a blackbird singing, my fingers clicking on the keyboard

Things I can see: the lego “duck” that Martin keeps putting together into ever weirder configurations, the slant of light across the floorboards, how still the treetops are

Things I can feel: the beginnings of headache (actually, a bit past beginning, but close enough), another hot flash coming on, the very slight breeze on my bare feet

Things I have to do after I finish this: call my mom, write a shopping list, take some medicine to stave off the headache

I suspect I won’t have much time to write the rest of this week and then I’m gone, and then I’m on vacation. I hope that this won’t be my only post in June! Lonely post if so, but a pleasant memory of a pleasant perfect evening, if so.

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