

For some reason my last two posts were set to private, though I swear I haven’t changed the settings on my editor, so what the hell, Livejournal? Now I worry I need to check back through every post to make sure they are all visible. No WONDER I don’t get any comments! Drrrr.

It was a multiple holiday weekend. We have Mårtens Gås (and Mårtensafton, since Swedes insist on celebrating all holidays the evening before, Veterans Day (in the US), Remembrance Day, and Swedish Fathers Day today. On Friday, Anders’ mom had us all over for a delicious (catered) meal of turkey (better than goose) with potatoes, vegetables and a gravy that was so good we all wanted to drink it out of the cartons. Luckily, the caterer apparently knows how good their gravy is because they provided THREE huge containers of it. In addition, there was apple cake and vanilla sauce. I ate way too much but since I’ve been basically starving myself all week, I figured it was due. I’ve been good the rest of the weekend too, so there’s that. It’s not much, but it’s something.

Karin was with us for dinner, then we dropped her off in Lund to meet up with friends and they promptly headed right back to Malmö for nightclubbing and dancing. I picked her up Saturday at 12:30 after her team interview with her new soccer coaches and we went shopping. She and I had already made plans for Saturday, (I’m guessing because she didn’t have anything already planned with friends, haha) to watch a movie, but all the movies we want to see don’t open in the theaters until NEXT week, so we picked a movie from the list I have of movies I want to see but it turned out to be HORRIBLE. I should have known, since it was a Woody Allen movie, and I haven’t like any Woody Allen movie I’ve ever seen. And I should have doubly known, since it stars Owen Wilson, whom I dislike, but we watched the whole horrible thing. What a waste of time, both ours and the actors.

Today we celebrated Fathers Day by basically doing nothing after giving Anders presents (a PS4 hockey game and a fancy Lakrids advent calendar of liquorice candy). Karin and I did some cleaning, I did one load of laundry and after that I read my book and napped. I just talked to my mom for an hour and then we tried to call Maritn, since we haven’t talked to him in weeks, but he was busy at an all-day photo shoot so we’ve made plans to talk on Tuesday. He’s always busy so it’s hard to connect. But we have some administrative financial aid things to deal with so he can’t escape forever.

This week feels busy though it’s about average: WW tomorrow, call Martin and do FAFSA on Tuesday, host Bookworms on Wednesday and choir on Thursday. Hopefully, Karin will still be available to go see a movie next weekend! 😀

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