

I think, because I’m on vacation and I mean REALLY on vacation, not doing a damn thing, pretty much, except turning my nights into day and vice versa, what with the staying up until all hours and sleeping in late, that it’s causing me problems on the writing front. When you barely leave the house (except that I DID leave the house, multiple times, today) for days on end, it means you don’t have all that much to write about, except the inner workings of your weird brain, and good god, who wants to hear about that? I mean, I know YOU do, but you’re all just as weird.

Leaving the house today multiple times was all because of my children. There was snow this morning…corn snow which, when I said that term to my Texan friends Kathey and Russell via Skype this evening, turned out not to be a universally understood snow term. I would think it’s just because they are Texans but no, they’ve lived in Sweden. I suspect it’s a midwestern thing. Do you know what corn snow is?

Anyway, there was a dusting. Of corn snow, and ice on the roads in the neighborhood, at least, so Anders drove Karin to Sandby for her referee job, and then because he was working on my car to get it ready for inspection tomorrow morning, I picked her up. But first I drove Martin to Lund so he could hang out with a friend. I wasn’t even home an hour when she called to say she was finished, and then just a few hours after that I drove back to Lund to get Martin (and pick up pizza for dinner).

I guess I should say that MARTIN drove himself to Lund, actually, because he did, and I really have to get better about getting him behind the wheel for practice driving. We’ve been really slack. He doesn’t say anything because 1) he doesn’t care and 2) he doesn’t actually want to learn how to drive, but for once I remembered, and since the sun was shining and we had time to take the back roads (he still hasn’t been on the highway: see slacking excuse above), I stuck the “ÖVNINGSKÖR” sign in the back window and off we/he went. He said he felt a little rusty, but he did fine. Though the stupid sign promptly fell off the window and we had to stop THREE times to stick it back on. Stupid suction cups.

It’s not that we’re not doing anything, exactly, but it’s the bare minimum. A load of laundry here, a load of dishes there, working on the car in between (him, not me). We DID have friends over for dinner last night and that was really nice, but very relaxed…for me, anyway, since I didn’t have to cook. Anders made pannbiff with fried onions and boiled potatoes with gravy, and served a bowl of pickled onions/carrots/cucumbers alongside. Yum. I warned him to make a lot of pannbiffs (they’re like really really good hamburgers, sort of, without buns) because everyone loves them, and we were going to be 7 people. He made twenty of them. There were none left. I ate two (for which restraint I am STILL patting myself on the back about).

For dessert, he made deep-fried Brie wedges with cloudberry jam, and OMG DELICIOUS. He wanted Camembert but they didn’t have any at the ICA, but honestly I think Brie was the better choice. Getting him that deep-fryer for Christmas was GENIUS.

Tomorrow is Monday. And that means only 2 more days until we go back to work. I really, really don’t want to go back to work. I am really enjoying this vacation. I have only gotten that ready-for-regular-routines feeling once or twice and I managed to squash it forthwith.

However, tomorrow I will actually start a project: taking down Christmas. The trees are so dry and droopy I can’t stand it anymore. We forgot to water them after about the fourth day or so, and they’ve been looking more and more pathetic ever since. Time to pack it all up. That will help get me in the right mindset for getting back to regular routines and work, right?

See? That’s the kind of entry you get after 2 weeks of staycation. At least I managed to avoid the inner workings of my weird brain.

For now.

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