

Guess what? Only 362 shopping days until Christmas!

HAHAHA! Megsie, that was for you.

(sad part: how fast that will go)

We woke to a white Christmas, which made all of us very happy, especially since it was just a dusting. It was a very family-filled, present-filled, FOOD-filled week around these parts. We had Anders’ mom over on the 23rd for her birthday. Anders made raclette. She’d never had it before and really enjoyed it, and we had, surprise, leftovers.

Märta spent the night as the next day was Julafton, the day that Swedes celebrate Christmas. Anders’s sister and her family arrived just before Kalle Anka and we watched it dutifully, like the good Swedes we are, despite the fact that all the kids were not-so-surreptitiously on their phones instead of paying attention to the very Christmassy stylings of Lady & The Tramp and Donald Duck. Then Anders made julbord. (He had help from his mom and sister although one whole dish of fried herring dropped out of the bottom of a paper bag when I was carrying it in from the car the evening before and smashed to pieces on the driveway. Not to worry! Märta had made TWO dishes of it!) We had, surprise, leftovers.

On Christmas day, I woke up super-early, despite not having gone to bed until super-late the night before, and laid on the couch and looked at the tree, something my sister and I always used to do when we were young. Then Karin bounced out of bed and nagged us all into getting moving. We opened stockings and then, much to Karin’s aggravation, got showered, dressed AND had breakfast before she was allowed to start dealing out presents. Everyone liked everything they got, which was gratifying all around, and the kids were very happy with their new Playstation 4 (we haven’t seen them since). My friend Camilla and Karin’s boyfriend came over for dinner. Anders made turkey and mashed potatoes and stuffing and all the trimmings. We had… leftovers.

Camilla stayed late and we had a great time playing one-word-titled games. Uno, Smartass, Iota and Sorry! The kids didn’t want to play Sorry! at first but then they got into and got very competitive. I miss playing games, it was super fun.

Yesterday, Karin invited two girlfriends to spend the night and Anders made hamburgers and french fries and onion rings…because he got a deep fryer for Christmas and had to try it out. Guess what? Leftovers!

The fridge is FULL of plastic containers of food. I estimate Anders won’t have to cook ever again and we won’t have to go to the grocery store for at least 2 weeks.

Today, we have done absolutely nothing so far. Karin’s friends are still here (it’s 3 o’clock), and they are all still in pajamas. Martin and I are going to see The Hobbit tonight, so it will be yet another late night but we will eat leftovers before we go.

Tomorrow is the AWC Glögg party and then the only thing between me and the end of vacation TEN days from now is New Year’s Eve. Other than that I have NO obligations and my only plans involve a few projects (sssh, don’t tell my family). Aaaaah, the life!

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