

Totally got my relax on today, and it was a perfect Sunday for it. After a busy week of work with the majority of my colleagues on vacation, it was nice to have the downtime I needed.

Karin carved the pumpkin on Thursday night and did a bang-up job of it:

Then she decided to decorate the foyer into a mini-haunted house. She hung black plastic garbage bags from the ceiling to enclose the space and make it dark, put a skeleton on it, and hung spiderweb both inside and out. Some black candles and a big black spider and scary music from Spotify completed the scene, plus a huge bowl of candy. Last year, we had so many kids that we ran out of candy and were scrambling for cookies and anything sweet we could find in the pantry. So of course this year, I bought extra, and we didn’t have half the kids! Still, we made a good dent in it, and Karin had fun handing out candy, though she wished there had been more children at the door.

Yesterday was All Saint’s Day and Anders and Karin went with his mom to the church in Oxie to bring flowers and candles to remember Einar and then to the service in the church and a nice dinner out afterward. Martin and I couldn’t go as we already had plans. He was at a Halloween party in Lund with his classmates, both old and new, and stayed overnight with a friend after.

I headed to Lund to meet my friend Camilla at 2 o’clock and we took the train to Malmö where Debbie got on and met us and then we went over the VERY foggy Öresund to Copenhagen. We saw a play called Bully Boy, put on by one of the English theater companies, which was really well done. We decided against staying in Copenhagen afterwards, though, as it’s so expensive, and headed back to Sweden to find a place to eat dinner.

We ended up at Vapiano, where Camilla and I had never been, and I had an excellent lemon chicken risotto. Then we sat there, since the restaurant wasn’t busy so late, and talked for a couple of hours. I felt SO good afterward. Talking about everything and nothing with such good friends, hearing things that make me realize I’m not alone; it was a really nice evening.

Today, Karin was up early as she was on referee duty again for Sandby Cup, and I woke with a bad headache quite early, too. I took ibuprofin and drank a glass of water and went back to bed, where I had very weird dreams about a very weird auction involving people from various parts of my life and when I woke up, I stayed in bed for a while and read, finishing the issue of Intelligent Life that I have had sitting for a long time.

It was a nice, leisurely, quiet day. Anders went to the dump with a load of stuff from the garage and while he was there, he saw a man throwing away a perfectly good vintage bicycle and when he asked the guy if he could buy it, the guy told him to just take it! It is nearly the kind that he has been looking for, for awhile now. He wants a vintage single-speed, and while this one isn’t exactly what he wanted, it can be converted quite easily so he spent most of the day cleaning it up and came in after dinner to show it off.

I picked up Martin in Sandby at 4 and went to the grocery store and we got home at the same time as Karin. I made a yummy dinner with rice, chicken, mushrooms and spinach and after reading for half an hour, I “walked & watched” for another half hour.

We got the huge long list of books to vote on for Bookworms yesterday too, and I sent my votes in…after spending a LONG time deciding. We were supposed to pick nine books and since I had actually recommended SIX, it was really hard to pick only three more to go with those!

Back to the grind tomorrow, but it’s only 3 weeks now until I leave for the States! Woot!

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