

I know what my problem is. I keep focusing on the negative. The negative LOOMS and it’s ZOOMS IN, and it kind of takes over if you let it. it’s really, really easy to let it, I’ve found.

So, today, I spent some time focusing on the positive.

I saw a huge hawk with beautiful markings on the undersides of his wings hovering in the air over the road as we drove by. I saw the look of terrified delight on Martin’s face when he realized he was up to 60 on a country road when we were out practice driving this afternoon. I saw the sheen of gold in my daughter’s hair. I saw the beautiful work my husband has done on the new storage room in the garage that is almost finished. I saw the 5 big bags of books that are ready for the media sale. I saw the new shoots of the hostas under the kitchen window.

This weekend, I got to sleep in. I got to relax. I got to get some things done and let other things slide. I got to laugh with my children and hug my husband. I got to talk to my sister and wish her son a happy birthday. I got to think about friends who are too far away and who have their own troubles that overshadow mine in a big way…I got to send them loving thoughts.

I walked. I read. I wrote. I cleaned. I thought. And I thought some more. And I hope I’ve swung my focus back toward where it should be.

We had freight train winds on Friday night, so loud they kept waking us up. It’s still windy, 2 days later, and cold and rainy to boot. But the clouds were racing past, and they’ll keep going. The green is coming in, even if it’s slowly. The days are stretching out and spring is ready to swing.

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