

This past week was pretty horrible. We found out that one of our freelancers, a wonderfully kind woman, whom I’ve been working with for the nearly 10 years I’ve been at my company, is very ill with cancer. It’s the second time for her…she beat breast cancer several years ago, but the cancer this time is worse, metastasized and in her skeleton and stomach. Apparently they won’t do chemo or radiation, which brings one to the conclusion that the doctors don’t think it will help and that it’s not worth going through.

Yesterday was the day I was scheduled for the IUD replacement. And an hour before we were supposed to leave for the hospital, they called and said that the doctor who was to perform the operation had been bitten the night before by a cat, in the hand, and couldn’t operate…and they couldn’t get a substitute in for him in time. I have to call to reschedule on Monday.

So, instead of going to the hospital to get something over with that I’ve been dreading for months, I went on in to work. And about halfway through the morning, an email went out to the entire company that another colleague, a man in his mid-forties, had passed away unexpectedly the night before. He started after me, and while I didn’t work directly with him, I knew who he was and had had contact with him in the course of work.

That last seemed like the last straw for a very shaky camel’s week and I found myself on the verge of tears all day. UGH. Double ugh.

Today, things look at least a bit brighter…literally. The sun is shining. January was the darkest month in Lund in 17 years. Altogether there were EIGHT HOURS of sunlight. February was definitely better, and definitely warmer and we’re getting spring temps now and things are getting ready to burst. Including my eyes, which have already been itching like crazy for 3 days. Aren’t allergies supposed to start when the green has already started blooming out??

Martin just informed me that he doesn’t want to learn how to drive right now, and I’ve got to figure out how to pay for our plane tickets for summer vacation.

Next week better get better.

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