

That lasted longer than I planned or liked, but it felt necessary. And to be honest, one of the major reasons for the break was that I felt like my head was crammed full of work with no time or room for anything else, and that is STILL the case, but I can’t keep radio silence anymore. I MISS this place. And if I don’t start now, I may never be able to get started so …

Karin is in Dallas. She’s been there for a week playing soccer and having the time of her life in the sunshine, despite having to be goalie (not her regular position) and getting clobbered with balls in the face, and players in the face and CLEATS in the face (she’s fine!). By all accounts she did a great job and judging by the low scores of their opponents against them, she managed to put up an excellent defense. Her team made it to the playoffs, but lost in the quarterfinals to one of the top teams.

I wasn’t VERY freaked out about her flying so far away without me/us as long as I didn’t think about it too much, but now I’d like her to be home again, please and thank you. My mom and Aunt Judy and my sister and her family, and my good friends Kathey & Russell were there to cheer her on, take her shopping and out to dinner and I’m so glad they were. She is having a fantastic time and has only one day left and I know she doesn’t want to come home.

But! the sun is shining here, too, and it FINALLY feels like spring is realy, truly, just around the corner. Martin and I went for a walk today and even though it still LOOKS like winter, there was no snow and the creekbeds were high with running water and there were some tight small buds on the sun-facing bushes. Almost, the air seems to breathe: almost!

The situation with work is better left unsaid, I suppose. It’s consuming me. Trying to put it aside doesn’t work. Trying to ignore it doesn’t work. Trying to keep up with it doesn’t work. My boss is back from vacation on Tuesday and we have a new graphic designer in the US who will be here for 2 weeks training, so I’m really hoping that will begin to make a difference. Time will tell.

I’m so glad spring is nearly here. I am yearning for warmth and lilacs and bumblebees and the sound of lawn mowers and vacation.

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