

I used to stay up really late. I’d write long blog posts after 10 pm and get them posted right before midnight. If my subject required it I’d spend a lot of time researching information to use in my writing. Or I’d read and read and read all my blogs and sites and use that as fodder for writing. Nowadays, I have to WREST the computer away from my kids or stay up late to use it, and sadly…I’m ready for bed by 10. In fact, most of the time, I’m ready for bed WELL before 10. Even if I do read for another 20-30-40 minutes, I’m almost always in bed by 10 these days. Even on weekends, I don’t manage to stay up much later than that.

Is anyone else suffering from winter dry skin? I swear to god, it’s driving me bananas. Thank goodness my daughter will scratch my back for me if I ask nicely and then return the favor and she will help me put lotion on my back and I have a backscratcher for emergencies, but AAAGH, I swear. It’s horrible.

My dining room table is still covered in Lego. And a big box of photos to sort. And my blog book still isn’t uploaded because our stupid Internet ran out at the end of the month again. It doesn’t actually RUN OUT, it just gets really slow and impossible to do anything that requires uploading or buffering. No videos, and no image-heavy websites. But! Tomorrow is a new month and it’s a short one and hopefully it will be a sunny one in which I get lots of projects FINALIZED so I can quit spending time on them and devote more hours to reading. And walking. In the sun. C’mon sun!

Pie Night, by the way, has been officially scheduled for March 16th. And then I was told that our AWC activities coordinators fell down on the job and didn’t get a table booked for the annual St. Patrick’s Day dinner and now they want me to make the Pie Night St Patrick-themed. I am not down with this actually. I’m resisting the idea. What is that? Because St. Patrick’s has always mainly been (it seems to me) and excuse for people to get smashed and because I am boring and crotchety and also very very sober, I don’t really want that to be the focus of pie night. When the focus should be on PIE.

Pie pie pie pie mmmmmmmmmmmmmm pie.

What do you think? I think I sound not only boring and crotchety and sober but OLD and GRUMPY, too. Get off my lawn you kids!


We are gearing up for a lot of travel in the next 2 months. I am going to Paris for a couple of days and then to Madrid and Turin for 4 days total in February for a mini training roadshow in our Southern Europe region. Anders is going to Bangkok for 2 weeks in early March and then Karin is going to Dallas for a week over Easter break to play in an elite girls soccer tournament. I am bummed that we can’t go with her but my mom and my sister & family will be there to cheer her on. I’m starting to have small palpitations thinking about her flying international without me/us. Eek.

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