

It’s the first of May! Here in Europe and in a large part of the world, that means Labor Day. However, since it’s a day off, and yesterday, being a “pinch day” was also a day off, in fact for us it was a NON-labor day. It’s been a nice long weekend, with lots of sunshine and walking the loaner-dog.

I had a to-do list of about 20 things that I divided up over the 4 days, which meant nothing was stressful and it included things that I’ve been meaning to do for ages, like iron those 3 tablecloths from that dinner party LAST YEAR and go through Martin’s clothes (6 additional bags donated to charity), as well as house-cleaning and a few other essentials like Swedish taxes which are due tomorrow. I’m actually getting a tax refund this year, and so is Anders…first time I think we’ve BOTH gotten one. Usually we cancel each other out.

All the things on the list are now crossed off, and along with the other things I accomplished which weren’t even ON the list, I’m feeling pretty productive. The house is clean, birthday presents have been dealt with, taxes for 2 countries are done, all the bags of clothes under the front hall table are gone except one, and there are only 3 days ahead until the next weekend: Woot!

Anders still has bags to deal with though…he and a friend rented a moss-ripper yesterday and spent the entire day trundling it back and forth, first over our giant yard and then home to Hans, to do his. Our lawn looked something had been chewing on it. Anders is still raking it up, and he’s already filled 20+ bags.

Addictive Apps I Can’t Stop Playing: DrawSomething, Rumble, Where’s My Water?

I’m so glad it’s spring. It makes my heart sing to see the cherry trees blossom and the lilacs budding. I even noticed a field of rapeseed the other day, because it was starting to shine neon yellow. My mother-in-law came over on Sunday and helped me with the roses and lavender. She cut them all down and we went to the nursery and bought a new rosebush (Flyinge Plantshop’s 2012 Rose of the Year) to replace the one that hadn’t made it through from last year. I also bought a pile of pelargoniums in various striking shades of pink and a whole flat of mixed-color pansies. Even with all those potted, I still have 3 pots to fill! Now if I could just get someone to come and actually design a garden in this big old yard.

Spring feels like crazy season too, there’s something on the calendar every day, every weekend…much of it soccer-related, alas. Ha! Who am I kidding? Our calendar is ALWAYS full.

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