

Whoa! Where did the week go? Why does this always happen to me? 😀

As glad as I am to be back to regular routine, I think I’d managed to forget how it grabs you and speeds you along without giving you any time to get your arms and legs inside the ride. What with the crazy busy at work all day and some activity/errand/to-do every evening, 7 days fly by before I can take a breath and realize it’s the weekend again. And too soon, another new week. No wonder Christmas seems to be constant…it’s already the end of January! Only 48 more shopping weeks until the holidays, kids! *hee!*

On Thursday, we had bookgroup with 17 people; a new record. It was really fun and a great conversation. We were discussing The Help, which I first read in Iceland last summer, and am now in the middle of re-reading to the kids because it was ALSO chosen for Little Big Bookgroup next week. Since I was the one responsible for putting the bookgroup books in reading order, and I already knew about that one, I was able to put the book in the same month for both groups, for my own convenience 🙂 But I waited too long to get started on reading it aloud to the kids, thinking because it had been a quick read that it was much shorter than it actually is, and also forgetting how much longer reading aloud takes…now I’m starting to be very worried that we won’t have it finished on time by Wednesday. Especially since Karin is at another soccer tournament all day today, and has practice both tomorrow and Tuesday evenings, and we still have 10 chapters to read.

Friday night was Wonders and the same book came up in conversation as well. It was really interesting to hear what my Southern friends had to say about their experiences with racism growing up and the attitudes of their parents and grandparents. It’s incredible to think about how much has changed in such a short time, and sad to think about how much has YET to change.

We are dog-sitting Eddie, a cocker spaniel that belongs to our friends Mikael & Lene. He’s lovely, but you can tell he’s a mama’s boy: he follows me around constantly. 🙂 He is the brother of another dog that we used to sit once in awhile: Chimay. Chimay, sadly, died in 2008, but Eddie keeps plugging along. He’s much lower to the ground than London, Chelsea or Mental, the other dogs we’ve sat for and now that we FINALLY have some snow on the ground, we’ve discovered how much more work keeping a shorter dog clean is.

I’m really wishing for more 3-day weekends. I never feel that 2 days is enough, anymore. 2 days isn’t enough to get rested and recharged, especially when the weekends are so full of things going on and housecleaning and laundry and errands. Even if I DO sleep in as much as possible on Saturday and Sunday, it’s not nearly enough to feel that I’m ready for another work week.

Do you recognize the title of this post? It’s a book I was given when I was a teenager, in Belgium. I still say the line, when things are crazy. I’m pretty sure I still have it somewhere. It was weird and psychedelic and I remember reading it with eyebrows raised. I obviously wasn’t alone in this opinion, given the reviews of it I’ve found online. I never did find out, however, if it was pronounced GRAH-BOAT, or GRAH-BO-TEY.

Going Going Gone Belated Birthday Wishes to somebodystrange!

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