Monthly Archive: September 2011



I feel the need for posting but what with a painful arm and shoulder, and a million other things to do that require sitting at a computer putting more strain on said arm & shoulder, I keep not doing it. 🙁 The sky is so blue today. It’s been beautiful all week. Blue sunny, autumn-breezy, not a cloud in the sky. This is my favorite kind of weather. It’s why autumn was my favorite season for most of my life (until I moved to Sweden and found out how much I need Spring). The kids and I have been slowly...



If there is someone who feels like an outsider, like they don’t belong, like they haven’t found their kindred spirits on this earth, there is sure no evidence of them at the Squam Art Workshops, nestled deep in the oak groves of rural New Hampshire. SAW is held at the twin lakeshore camps of Deephaven and Rockywold on the shores of Squam Lake. I’m sure there are times when it’s bleak there; in winter, maybe, when the leaves have forsaken the trees and the ground is slick with ice and downed branches and the lake is a gray and frozen...



You know how when you hit your funny bone a good one, it radiates that spasm up and down your limb to the exclusion of every other sensory input possible in that moment? How you just have to stand statue-still, with your other hand clamped around the screaming bend in your arm, and WILL the pain to fan out from your fingertips? What would you do if it didn’t stop? For. Two. Whole. Weeks. I called our healthcare insurance company today and asked for an appointment with a naprapat which I wasn’t even sure of the definition of until about...



This is literally the first time in 2 weeks that I have had the energy or the time to get online and post something. It has been go go go since I got to Massachusetts. This is our last evening here; Mom and I fly out tomorrow from Boston, she home to Michigan, and me home via the Atlantic Ocean and a layover in Amsterdam. (which I just spelled Amsterdamn and then Amsterdamm in my attempts to finish the sentence…drrr). I have had a very productive, very fun 2 weeks and extra quality time with my mom, plus a GREAT...



I am breathless with the amount of things I have to do lately. It’s non-stop go go go from the moment my alarm shrills in my ear until the moment I switch off the light and burrow down beneath the covers again. Every day is filled; work is crazy busy and the evenings are no better. Something every minute that is calling, pushing, pulling, demanding my attention and my time. I just wrote out a list of things I’ve done today, mostly to impress you, then realized no one really cares except me, what I’ve accomplished on my to-do list,...