

Every day when I come home after work, I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck: SO TIRED. I’m not tired at work. I just seem to collapse and deflate as soon as I get home, and I can’t AFFORD to: there is still stuff to be done. Example: today, when I came home, I dealt with Karin’s salami selling (yes, again), got Martin off to piano, got dinner on the table, took Karin to soccer practice, went to the grocery store, put the food away, watered the pots and garden, planted nasturtiums, updated the AWC calendar and put clothes away. I still need to vacuum and clean the fish tank but I’m so tiiiiiiiiiired.

My Boston work trip has been booked for this year! Yay! I was worried I wasn’t going to be able to go at all, because the US Marketing Manager and I couldn’t find dates that worked for both of us…but we finally did and now I’m going. I’m really glad, because face time with the US team is very inspirational and it means a lot to me to be able to have this one trip a year to see how the US office does things and to be able to do some training and special project work while I’m there.

My mom is getting back from Germany the day after I arrive in Boston, however, so she won’t be able to join me for the first week. So I’m staying over an extra weekend so that she and I can have a bit of extra time together and so I can meet up with friends as well. And THEN I realized that weekend is the Autumn session of the Squam Art Workshops. I have to find out if there is a day rate…I can’t possibly be there for the 3rd time in a row, so close, and not go, right?

Every year the hawthorn tree at the end of the snail trail bursts into bloom and I walk by it lamenting the fact that I don’t have a camera on me. I’ve done it thrice so far this spring. It’s still blooming…I really really want to get a picture of it. It’s just beautiful. I planted nasturtium seeds all around the willow cone this evening and watered thoroughly. How long do nasturtiums take to grow? I hope they grow REALLY fast. I can’t wait to see them climb up the willow cone!

Martin and I finished watching the last episode of The 4400 the other day, and now we’re both really sad it’s over. And angry that it was cancelled, to boot. It was GOOD. Weird and funky and totally off its nut, but good. And a letter-writing campaign to the producers won’t do any good as it was cancelled in 2004. *sigh* If only the first half of the season 2 DVD for Glee would come out already!

The kids and I started reading Just So Stories last night. It’s the next Little Big Bookgroup book and we chose it, but I was sort of regretting it after reading the first 2 stories…it’s aimed at a much younger audience than my kids, and than I had remembered. 🙁 At least it will be a quick read, it’s so short. I keep threatening to follow it with Jonathan Livingston Seagull but my cousin Cate made so much fun of it in front of them that they refuse to have it anywhere near them.

This weekend: Work party tomorrow night, housecleaning for Game Night, Anders’ birthday with early morning wakeup call and family dinner party later, and AWC Mother’s Day Brunch. When AM I going to get to sleeeeep?

Boogaloo Baby Birthday Wishes to thinkum and Belated Ones to same_sky!

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