

I’m feeling pretty good about Christmas preparations this year. I’ve already gotten so much done, I don’t really feel stressed at all! The house is decorated, Christmas letter written, all my cards addressed, signed and mailed except 3 that are getting sent with packages. Gift shopping is nearly done: Martin and I went to the mall today and I finished Anders. Just need a couple more things for the kids, and his family and that’s done, too.

Unfortunately, we weren’t able to go get the tree today because the weather suddenly went warm and it was raining overnight and this morning and all the snow has turned to slush and ice: too muddy and wet to go chop down a tree…hopefully tomorrow if we can time it right between the soccer practice and hockey-bockey game. I sure hope so, because then we can get the trees decorated and then it’s only cookie-baking left!

After the doctor’s visit a couple of weeks ago, when I went about my allergies and got my nasal spray switched and started on an allergy pill, I’ve been worse than ever: can’t breathe, head stuffed…feels like I have a sinus infection or something, and if this stuff doesn’t start working soon, I’m going to just cut my head off. THAT ought to do it.

I seem to be puttering along, getting things done, moving toward the end of the year without really being engaged. Mostly, I just want to sleep through the night, being able to breathe, and wake up when I feel like it, not when an alarm goes off.

I’m hoping Anders will get the playroom done before Christmas but with it zooming up so quickly, I kind of doubt he’ll have time. Today was a bit of a veg day (apart from the shopping trip) but we both needed it.

Tonight the kids and I watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Santa Claus is Coming to Town. I love those old Rankin Bass specials. We still have Rudolph to watch, and maybe The Little Drummer Boy, though the kids groaned when I mentioned that one. They’re all still on VHS…sometime I need to get them replaced, and I want to get The Year Without a Santa Claus, too, because the kids will be too old for it soon (if they’re not already). They’ve never seen Frosty the Snowman, but it was never one of my favorites so I don’t mind too much. They’ve never seen Miracle on 34th Street or It’s a Wonderful Life either. All these shows were such an integral part of my childhood Christmases! Watching them makes me feel like a kid again.

Sparkly Snowy Icy Belated Birthday Wishes to sari, lady_chai, kachunknorge and fiveandfour!

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