

It was Ascension Day today and the start of a 4-day weekend. I slept in and lazed about the house most of the day, reading. The weather has been freezing cold; cloudy, rainy & gray, so I didn’t feel like going outside, or really doing anything much. I did manage a load of laundry and ran the dishwasher, but that was about the extent of my productivity. Oh, and I updated the activities pages on the AWC site. I feel so lazy, but I don’t care.

Angie dropped Chelsea the dog off in the early evening. We’re dog-sitting until Sunday. Martin and I went for a long walk with her. Everything is so GREEN right now and all the trees that flower are flowering: white, pink, yellow. Karin was at an all day soccer tournament and Anders, after spending most of the day working in the garage on the Volvo which he is trying to get fixed up enough to sell, left before Angie arrived to go watch her last couple of games. They made it all the way to the finals and came in second. She came home with a big grin and a medal around her neck.

I’m trying to think of something we can do tomorrow, with the dog in tow, and am leaning toward heading over to Skryllegården which is a sort of national forest area with walking paths and spending a couple of hours in the fresh air, assuming it doesn’t rain. Tomorrow night is an AWC sushi night, but it’s mostly us and only a couple of other people.

It’s nice to have a 4-day weekend with no real plans. Even if it makes me a little bit crazy at work: there’s so much to do and I’m not doing it. I’m not working over my weekend. I was talking to one of the VPs on Wednesday…it was a half day, but I worked a full day because Martin had school until 3:30 anyway, and since everyone else had left at lunchtime, I got a ton of things done during the afternoon. I get so much more done when there isn’t anyone in the office. No one calling me, walking in, interrupting or piling on small things on top of the projects I already have.

Anyway, I was talking to one of the VPs…she’s the head of Global Sales and I was working on a presentation for her. And she admonished me to really take the long weekend and relax and not work. “It’s not like it ends,” she said. “There’s always more work.” She should know, she works more than anyone and travels constantly; I can’t imagine having her job. I laughed with her, because here we both were, on what was supposed to be a half-day: working.

But not now. Now I’m just relaxing. I hope you are, too.

Kicking Back and Whistling Birthday Wishes to redpirk!

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