

Happy May Day! It’s hard to believe it is already the first day of the fifth month of the year. Spring is fully sprung and the zillion shades of neon green greet my wondering eyes wherever they wander. All the grass is new and the old winter residue and beigeness of last year’s growth has been covered over completely now by the new growth.

Yesterday was Walpurgis Eve and we celebrated, as we usually do, with our friends Mats & Annelott at a bonfire held in their overgrown back acre, with several other couples and 3 dogs, one a new puppy, much to my children’s (and my) delight. Mats & Annelott’s previous dog, Zazz, died suddenly of an apparent stroke last year and they have just acquired the most darling puppy. She’s a 9-week-old black & gold German Hovawart and her name is Tizzla. The kids couldn’t keep away from her, and I don’t blame them: she was SO darling. We immediately offered our services as excellent dogsitters. This isn’t her, but it could be her twin.

We didn’t get home until long after midnight and I slept in like a fiend this morning. Woke up somewhere around 8:30 and promptly fell back asleep. My family’s habit of shutting my bedroom door and being quiet in the rest of the house on weekend mornings is a habit I think ALL mothers should encourage their families to practice.

I’ve had rather a dilemma the last week at work. See, my boss told us that he is reorganizing our department and we will be getting a manager between him and the 4 of us who are currently in our group. I know that several people at work are surprised that I’m not applying for the position and I had more than one person tell me that I would do a good job at it. But there were several factors that decided me…even if it is probably the only way I could get a substantial hike in pay these days…the thing is I am not particularly interested in moving up the corporate ladder. I LIKE what I do. In fact, I love it. I have found what I want to do for a living and I honestly don’t want to make a change that would gradually but definitely pull me away from it. In addition, I am not really gung-ho to have personnel responsibilities, to manage people or to have to deal with a budget.

I have rather mixed feelings about all this, because part of me definitely feels that I SHOULD be applying for this job and that it is really the only logical next step for a job like mine. But I’m really sure that I wouldn’t, ultimately, be happy there. I have no desire to be the boss. I’m good at what I do and what I really want to do is get better at it, not move above it. Does that make sense?


In other news that really makes me happy, Christina has reached her funding goal. A huge, heartfelt thanks to any of my friends and readers who have pledged to help her book become reality. Thank you from me! (and PS, you can still pledge 🙂


I did 4 loads of laundry today and as I followed Martin into his room to kiss him goodnight just now, we had the following conversation:

Liz: *pointing at the jeans Martin is holding* Those should have gone in the wash today, Martin.
Martin: Yeah, yeah.
Liz: You DO have more than one pair of pants, regardless of whether or not you like any of them.
Martin: *sounding astounded* Can you read minds??
Liz: Of course, I can. I’m a mother.
Martin: Riiight. What am I thinking right now?
Liz: That I’m full of shit.
Martin: *mouth drops open, gapes at me*
Liz: *giggles madly*

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