

Walking in a city is energizing, especially during the mellandagarna, the “between days” after Christmas and before the New Year. Even though people can be a bit crabby thanks to the crowds and the long lines, it gets your pulse moving to be surrounded by so much life. So much going on, so much to look at. I never used to like shopping all that much, especially clothes shopping (still don’t, actually) unless there were books or music involved, but I love window-shopping and just browsing along.

I left the house in the early afternoon and drove to Malmö with no real intention of serious shopping. This was more an exercise in restlessness reduction. I did have some missions: exchange a pair of ski mittens for Karin, find “cake fireworks” for our New Year’s Eve dessert, and stop by the American store for real maple syrup. 1-2-3: all accomplished. I crowd-walked, eeling through and around the clumps of people that were everywhere on the walking street. I stopped in Indiska where I always find beautiful things and nearly bought some on-sale Christmas ornaments but changed my mind at the last minute. I wandered through Åhlens City but ended up with only 4 rolls of reduced wrapping paper for next year. I stopped in 2 bookstores, but only bought 1 book, some cards and a big black marker (to replace the one we have at home that is nearly dry), and finally browsed through all the tempting displays at Oil & Vinegar before deciding on 2 jars of artichoke creme spread.

That was it. Not much, but I came away feeling more relaxed somehow. Maybe it was the retail therapy. Maybe it was the alone time, rather ironic considering how many people were out there on the streets and in the shops. Maybe it was just getting out of the house. Whatever it was, it seems to have calmed the restlessness to the point where it’s manageable for now.

We’re hosting a big dinner party on New Year’s Eve; we’ll be 16 altogether: 10 adults, 1 teenager and 5 kids. Anders has spent most of the day poring over cookbooks, writing down menu ideas and though I’m a bit disappointed he didn’t go with his original suggestion, I’m positive that whatever he comes up with will be delicious as usual.

Tomorrow the turkey leftovers will be polished off and I’ll probably start cleaning, plus maybe an hour of walking instead of only 30 minutes. I’ve just started a book as well, and really want to get it finished before Wednesday as I know I won’t have time to read then until January has begun and I think I can just squeak in one more on my 2008 reading list!

Bring it on, 2009. I’m ready for you! Are you ready, too?

Sunny Summer Beachy Birthday Wishes to courtesy!

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