

It is so dark here that I feel I am living in a cave. Dark when I awaken, dim all day, pitch black when I get home. 5 in the evening feels like 10. And there’s yet another month to the solstice…I’ll be a fully-fledged troglodyte by then.

Choir tonight: first time I’ve sung (except in the car) since MAY. We have a new choir leader and it was very surreal to sit before her and keep realizing over and over that she wasn’t Eva, our former choir leader. She has a very different style, but I think she’ll be alright once she gets her feet under her. We’ve lost about half our members in the long search and shake-up since May, so everything feels different, but o! it was good to sing.

I just finished an excellent book that I absolutely gobbled down. I feel very late to the party, since it was published in 2000 and I remember hearing about it quite some time ago (Bluepoppy, it might have been you, I can’t remember)…anyway, it was on my wish list for ages and then I came upon it while in the States and snatched it up. Quick read, absolutely fascinating material and extremely engaging, well-written style. Check it out if you haven’t already read it long ago: The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell.

Karin had her karate “upgrade” tonight…I have no idea what it’s called in English…anyone out there with karate kids that could enlighten me? She moved up a level from the beginner’s white belt to a bright red one, and to top it off her instructor asked her if she’d like to participate in a Cup competition in the beginning of December. Exciting!

It’s been a busy week, like all weeks this time of year. I participated in the annual AWC wreathmaking workshop on Monday which was, as always, a blast. I made a wreath for the front door and a centerpiece for the table and got a little crazy encouraging everyone else to use more glitter gold paint! More! Sparkly! Yesterday I got my hair done, today was choir and tomorrow we are swapping Karin’s bed for a double bunk. And then it’s ready for our annual Thanksgiving bash with some good friends this weekend, and Sunday I have to bake cookies! AAAAAHHHH!

Can someone please get me one of those machines that Hermione used in Harry Potter to go do her homework in a time pocket? I need me one o’ them things. I promise only to use it to get my Christmas letter written and my cards addressed. And maybe to get the AWC website finished. And perhaps to paint the sideboard. And to finished cleaning. But that’s all. Well, maybe also I could use it again in a week or so to go get a Christmas tree and decorate it. But then I’d let someone else use it, I swear. I’m not a time-pocket-machine hog, really!

Barrels of Bubbling Birthday Wishes to dbrus!

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