

I don’t really have anything to say at the moment, but it probably doesn’t matter since I get the feeling not many people are reading lately. The whole blogosphere seems to be sitting on the back porch with their feet up on the chaise longue, sweating in the sunshine; a tall cool glass of something or other by their side.

The internets are wearing floppy straw hats and big black sunglasses! They’re reading beach books and wearing SPF 20. The blogosphere is tanner than I am. I’ve been reliably informed by my children that I am “vampire white.” My purpose in life, at least in the summer, is to make YOU feel tan. Is it working? Here, let me hold my arm up next to yours. There, you see? Man, you’re tan!

Today I reupholstered a chair, and I cleaned out the disgusting laundry room, although it’s not done yet because there are piles of tools and things to go to the garage but the garage is packed full of junk that is going to the dump and to the flea market pick-up (which is in a couple of weeks, I hope!!). I went for a walk and to the grocery store and the recycling center. Throwing glass into the containers is very satisfying: CRASH! CRASH! SHATTER! I also edited many dozens of pages of journal entries, and I…yes, I did…I checked my work email. Mostly just to delete stuff, but I have to log on and actually do something about some of them tomorrow, since they involve advertisements and deadlines.

Last evening, while out watering, I saw a green grasshopper as long as the palm of my hand. He was singing until I turned, then he held very still and let me inspect him without hopping away. I love that it is sunny and warm during the day and cool and crisp at night. You have no idea how happy that makes me. Did you know how easy it was to make me happy?

I’ve promised to take the kids to Folkets Park in Malmö tomorrow afternoon. The weather holds fair to continue gorgeous and summery, so I have no excuse. Where are my floppy straw hat and big black sunglasses??

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