

All the white blossomed beauties are in full bloom these days. Every day is sunny and blue with a high bright sky and just enough chill in the air to make it comfortable and keep the flies under control. I’ve put up screens on all the windows in anticipation of rising temperatures and switched to the summer blankets on the beds. This evening Karin and I went for a walk and took the camera with us, as I was determined to finally, after NINE years in Flyinge, capture the pear tree allĂ©e in full bloom. Every year I anne-of-green-gables my way under the White Way of Delight and then never get around to returning for photographs.

The spirea and cherry trees are also perfectly puffed full of themselves with flowers, along with a pretty flowering white bush whose name I don’t know. We walked all around the neighborhood, greeting other evening promenaders, and up on to the hill to blow wishes on dandelions and follow the sun back down to our home. Across the backyard, the horses and pony were hanging out grazing. Usually they run away when we come near, but they must be used to the kids now, who are endlessly laughing and bouncing on the trampoline, as they just pricked up their ears and continued with their evening meal of fresh spring grass.

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Anyone know what this bush is?

Cracking Me Up: Pears are, in fact, not at all apples

Singy Swingy Zingy Springy Birthday Wishes to same_sky!

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