

Bad mood: tried to order a Clone Trooper costume for Anakarin Karin online yesterday and my card was not approved. Called the customer support in the States and was basically given the following advice: “ummmmmmmm dunno. can ya try again tomorrah?” Which I did, but no dice.

Good mood: gave up and called my sister in St. Louis and had HER order it including shipping to me, then bought her 2 bottles of her favorite perfume (at her request, and with the SAME CARD that wasn’t approved at the other site) to pay her back

Bad mood: Anders is gone again this week and I have a big meeting tomorrow evening that I really really don’t want to miss

Good mood: his parents are going to babysit…although I do have to zoom home early and pick up the kids and get them to Oxie before I meet my friend for dinner before the meeting.

Bad mood: don’t feel like writing even though I’m sure there are things I could write about. Why am I in such a slump?

Good mood: because reading-me is sitting on top of writing-me, squashing the motivation out of her *does a happy book dance*

Bad mood: have had really bad headaches all week, which come on fast and won’t be denied, even by 3 Advil at a time.

Good mood: had a massage at work today; neck, back, shoulders and JAW. Mmmmm

Off to edit and await the final slides for the presentation for tomorrow!

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