

Since I haven’t had a chance to post since Wednesday, I’ve had hardly any comment emails. My little Yahoo avatar has drooped and her mouth has turned down and she keeps crying from the sadness of it all.

It’s a tragedy, it is. Serves me right for being such a slacker. I’ve made my avatar cry! Or rather…hmmm…YOU’VE made her cry! Yeah, that’s it! It’s because no one is commenting on my posts, old or not, not because I haven’t written any new ones. For shame!


We’ve started calling our daughter Anakarin. That’s how obsessed with Star Wars she is. Now she’s writing and illustrating little Star Wars books (which are hilarious as they are full of Jedis with their hands cut off bellowing NOOOO and Sith Lords with their heads rolling away saying YEEOWTCH* and brightly crayoned light sabers) and SELLING them. She made paper pockets for her books and wrote on them the categories of Star Wars books she is making available: Lättlästa Star Wars böcker (easy reader books) and Roliga Star Wars barnböcker (funny Star Wars children’s books). First, she told Anders that the money was “for the school because they’re broke” but then she decided that she would save up for a Star Wars costume. He bought one for 20 kronor and so did I. SUCKAHS!


My friend Camilla is leaving on Monday for a year. She’s going to teach English at an international school in an unpronounceable Polish town full of consonents (Bydgoszcz, which I’m referring to as By Gosh!). She got the job on Thursday and after she signed the contract that afternoon, the principal called and said, “Um by the way, orientation starts on Tuesday, can you travel on Monday?” so she has had 4 days to get everything ready to leave. (!) I’m thrilled for her because it’s something she has really wanted to do (although her first choices were much more exotic like South America and Kazakhstan) but I’m also sad because that’s one less friend to hang out with in real life…at least for the next year. I was really happy that she could come over this evening and just hang out for a few hours with the kids and I, otherwise I’d be crying…just like my avatar. 😛


There’s no more denying it. It’s officially fall now. I saw my first sugar beet truck today and the sugar beet factory lit up and went into operation yesterday.


Last night I attended a Ladies Happy Hour that was nominally an AWC event, but which turned out to be less than half AWC people, since several of the women had invited friends/neighbors from other social circles. It was nice to meet new people, but a little unsettling as well. The majority of the women whom I had never met before were….um…shall we say, much more EXOTIC than I am. One of them brought a couple of CDs full of pulsing techno-pop music that I had never heard before, and they were all gyrating in a circle near the bar for a couple of hours. They were beautiful. I just have to say I have never felt so untrendy, old, short, fat and WHITE in my entire life.

*which I had to help her spell. 😀

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