

3 girls in the senior class from the high school that our kids will go to in a few years sent a note home with everyone in Karin’s class announcing that they were starting a handball club for the young kids in Flyinge school. While they are primarily aiming at the 6 and 7-year-olds they made it clear that any child who was interested was welcome. Even better, they’re allowing the kids 3 sessions for free to try it out and it’s only 150 kronor for the rest of the term if they join after that.

I asked Martin and Karin if they would like to try it, and explained a little bit about what handball is and how it works and they both agreed it sounded like fun. I wasn’t so surprised that Karin was interested, but the fact that Martin was made my mental jaw drop, although I didn’t let him know that I was a bit astonished that he thought it sounded fun. That is the very first time EVER that he has expressed ANY interest in any sport that involves a ball.

Today was the first meeting, at the sports hall. The kids went themselves from daycare at 4 o’clock for the hour and then walked home by themselves, barely beating me in the door. I asked them how it was, as I was agog to know if Martin had liked it, and they both told me it was fun and they had played games and wanted to keep going, although Martin did tell me that it had been tough have 3 gym sessions in 1 day (he has gym class on Thursdays and apparently the daycare group went in the early afternoon as well today). But still, YAY!

Then I asked Karin how many kids had been there. “Eight,” she replied, and then proceeded to rattle off their names, checking after each one with an inquiring look to make sure I knew who she was referring to, “Me, and Martin of course, and Jonathan and Özcan and Nils and Marcus and Simon…you don’t know what Simon looks like, do you?” I shook my head and said, “Um no, but I can take a guess: blonde and blue-eyed?”

“Wow, good guess, Mama!” she said, clearly impressed. Heh. Not really.


I need to find out more about using copyrighted work, and whether or not one needs to get permission to use short quotations or citations or whether giving credit is enough. Wading through the huge amount of information on copyright law out there on the web is not something I’m looking forward to. sigh

Whirly Swirly Twirly Birthday Wishes to orangepoppy!

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