

Thank you for all the outraged-on-our-behalf comments on yesterday’s post. I will be scheduling a meeting with the teachers as soon as I can. That makes 2 meetings to schedule with 2 different teachers, because Martin’s class is starting English this year, and guess who is already convinced he will be bored because he “already knows everything.” HA! Wish I could say the same.

There is another girl in his class who has an English-speaking mother and I can’t believe that their teacher will just blithely assume that it’s okay for the 2 of them to sit through the completely-from-the-beginning English lessons with the rest of the class, when they have both been speaking and comprehending English since they were babies, and Martin, at least, is reading at a nearly young adult level. Since the county has still not bothered to do anything about the English tutoring classes that they are supposedly required by law to give, our only other alternative seems to be to see if we can get them allowed to work with the older classes’ English lessons. The problem is that the school is so small that there is only 1 class for each grade and if the scheduling doesn’t work out, I don’t know what other ideas they have in mind for solving this problem. So, before the meeting with Martin’s teacher, we’re planning on calling the other girl’s parents to see if they want to present a united front, which probably means a meeting with them, too.

Sorry for the all-school-all-the-time ranting. It’s making me sad and angry and helpless-feeling in the face of so much apparent indifference. ARGH


Why do I feel obligated to stay later and later at work when it’s not like it will stop coming in? It’s not like you finish it up with a big flourish one day and win a prize for being done.


We went to Malmö Festival this evening and everything I ate involved fried dough. Fried dough for dinner and fried dough for dessert. How did I get through 42 29 years without ever tasting langos and churros? I should have realized that anything involving fried dough was bound to be yummy. Now all I need are some elephant ears and some funnel cakes and my waistline will officially cease to exist.


I have too many unresolved issues and things on my mind these days that are making me upset. Come on, speedy and satisfying resolutions! Come to my rescue! 1 obviously not-long-for-this-world fish + 1 decision I don’t want to make + 1 school and 3 teachers that need a smackdown + 1 dilemma at home that I’m at a loss for + 1 calendar filling up too fast + 1 inexplicably missing camera + 1 money issue that has me a trifle wigged out = 1 discombobulated lizardek


Hippity Hoppity Happity Birthday Wishes to ginger22 and cottontimer!

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