

It’s past my bedtime, but I’m determined to at least put a little post in my journal, because I’m anal-retentive that way. Long BUSY day at work, in which much revising was needed and many instances of people saying, “Wait! Did that go to print yet? Can you stop it?!” and then coming back 15 minutes later, after I’d called the printer in a panic, saying, “okay never mind, it’s okay to go.”

My little lovefest about work is somewhat tempered by the fact that Anders is so unhappy at his right now. I wish there was more I could do, like rub up against him until my positive attitude comes off, but since I HAVE been unhappy at work, I know there is nothing someone else can do except sympathize, offer occasional advice, and listen. Trying to light a “start job-hunting” fire under him doesn’t work, like it does for some people…he has to get to that point in his own good time.

I was supposed to have dinner with 2 of my ex-Ericsson colleagues, but one of them cancelled because her father died suddenly yesterday, completely out of the blue, from an aneurysm. It made me sad for the rest of the day. 🙁

Choir helped, though. I sang all the way home in the car, crooning Carpenters tunes to myself, and John Denver and Marshall Crenshaw and Indigo Girls and something from Godspell.

Leo Buscaglia tells that ancient Egyptians believed that upon death they would be asked two questions and their answers would determine whether they could continue their journey in the afterlife. The first question was, “Did you bring joy?” The second was, “Did you find joy?”

I hope that whenever Death gives me a yank, I can answer both of those with a resounding “Yes!”

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