

There might be a bidding war…over ME! πŸ˜€

Yesterday, Company T called me back and said that they hadn’t forgotten about me, quite the opposite, but they had been forced by HR regulations to post the new position internally first. However, they were able to limit it to one week, so they should know by next Friday if there are any internal candidates at all, and they didn’t seem to think there would be.

Then Company A called and asked if I could come in on Tuesday to meet my “coworkers-to-be,” 4 of them at once πŸ™‚ AND I got a call from another contact in the AWC who wanted to know if I’d be interested in doing some freelance web/graphic training for her at her company. So, things are really looking good.

My brother scoffed at me and basically said, “I TOLD you that you didn’t need to worry!” but I DID. If I hadn’t gotten going right away, these opportunities wouldn’t have been there. I’m thrilled about what’s happening, but I know that it’s very likely that I’m going to have to disappoint someone by turning them down, if I do end up having to make a choice, and that’s hard for me to think about. In addition, both jobs are SO good in slightly different ways that I’m going to have a very hard time choosing between them, assuming I get offered both. I know, I know, wah wah, poor Liz, get over yourself already. πŸ˜›

There is a sweater from C.J. Banks that I have been coveting, and am kicking myself that I didn’t buy when I saw it in the States right before we left. My mom stopped by there yesterday and said they were all sold out. πŸ™ I’m thinking of calling the store and asking them to call around and try and find one for me. New job equals new work wardrobe, right? πŸ™‚

Martin and I walked Karin-the-Pirate over to her 1st birthday party of the day and on the way back we saw a huge pile of chopped-down berry trees over by the community house, presumably waiting to be taken to the dump. Windfall! So we went home and got the shears and a couple of bags and back we went to take as many clusters of lovely orange and red berries as we could, to use for Halloween Party table decorations! We go out on a berry-and-autumn-leaf hunt every year before Halloween, but this was by far the easiest we’ve ever had it. πŸ™‚

QOTD: Everybody’s children are so special. It makes you wonder where all the ordinary grownups come from. from the film Code 46

Silly People With WAY Too Much Time on Their Hands: Infinite Cat Project πŸ˜€

Are You There, God? It’s Me, T-Rex

How IKEA Can Help You On-the-Job: FΓΌkt

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