Daily Archive: February 18, 2004



Mosaic Minds is looking for submissions! Our 2nd issue is coming out very soon on March 1st…but the deadline is also fast approaching for the April issue, which has the theme of Winging It. May’s theme is Heroes and Role Models. Please consider writing a feature article, a poem or a story or contributing artwork or photography. Look back through your older stuff, maybe you have something that just needs a bit of polishing that will work for one of the upcoming themes! We also highlight blogs and links of the week so if you know of something that might...



When I was maybe 6 or 7, there was a little girl that lived down the street from my grandparent’s house in Michigan. My grandparents had the coolest house. A 2-storey red brick with gabled roof that had a laundry chute from the second floor all the way to the basement, and a little iron door on the side of the house that opened to reveal a ledge which opened into the kitchen, where the milkman left his milk back in the day. They had morning glories on the back fence that gaped wide with the morning sun and were...